Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some people?

I am kind of mystified why some people at Church attend to 100% of their hometeaching requirement, but a huge majority do absolutely nothing!

Conducting Personal Priesthood Interviews (PPI) today on behalf of the Elders Quorum President, I was horrified that around 25% of the Elders in the branch, do 100% of their hometeaching! These include the very busy members, or those with far to travel to get to church. It kind of means that a huge number of the members dont actually do ANYTHING. As a rule, 50% of hometeaching is a worldwice achieved result. Turns out that this is achieved by 25% of the members who do 100% of their hometeaching, and 75% do diddly squat! Pity that violence is not generally an option, because I felt like knocking some enthusiasm into them! If they dont do what they should, it nreflects badly on the EQ Presidency - and that is partly me!

I have mentioned an idea to the EQ President:-

At present, the emphasis is on doing your hometeaching each month - normal thing! The average month is 4 weeks long, give or take! What if we try to promote the idea that Hometeaching is done by week 2 of each month! After month 1, "week 2" comes around every - 4 weeks, just like "week 4" does now! Then we PPI in week 3 and have week 4 left to get committment to 100% hometeaching! At the moment we do PPIs in week 1 or 2 after the fact, and there is no way that we can encourage (force?) that the "slackers" do their hometeaching!

Another idea that I had is to start a market garden in the Church grounds. This can be used by the BP as a worthwhile project for those on Church Welfare - grow things for others who need welfare - and as "punishment" for those who do not do their hometeaching - kind of get your act in gear or get cultivating - teach or work, your option! I know that there are grassed areas round behind the chapel where we could just as easily grow veggies - tomatoes, carrots, potatoes etc. Then the Branch Presidency can distribute produce to those in need, or the excess can be turned into canned goods or things like veggie stews, to be used for needy families! If the Branch President decides, then the canned or frozen goods can be sold and the cash go into Fast Offerings in the Branch budget, and we can then buy what is needed - things like clothes and blankets!

Big problem that I have found is that these slackers are the very first in line with cupped hands, for Church Welfare. Why should the Church help them, if they refuse to help the Church? I know it does not work like that, but surely they should expect to get out based on their input - no effort in means nothing out!That is how the world works!

If we emphasize week 2 as the deadline, there is still weeks 3 and 4 to pull yourself right! Just because Churchwide the average for Hometeaching is 50% there is no reason that this has to be our guideline! Ideally, you should aim for 100% - nothing less! Anyway, that is what I have counselled. We have to wait to see if it works! The way I see it is, week 2 is practically the same as week 4. If you are struggling to do your teaching now in week 4, what is the difference to week 2 - and even then, we can PPI in week 3 and correct things in week 4. Where there are 5 weeks in a month, that is a bonus! Just goes to prove the adage "If you want something done, give it to a busy person" - those who do 100% of their hometeaching are those who either live far from Church or have a lot to do! 75% of members do nothing, and that is a painful reality!

At the moment it is too late after month end to freak out and get a result, but if we have a set deadline of week 2, we can freak out for 2 weeks before it is too late! Sad thing is for the delinquants to reassure you that it "will not happen again!" and you want to respond with "And you kiss your wife with those lips?"
I suppose that this is why I am on the Quorum Presidency? Talking to my brother it seems that this is not just a Mormon thing!

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