Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rest days

Today is kind of a rest day for me! Tomorrow - Thursday - there is a District Council meeting, so that is something that is not the same this week, and Friday I get to see my Angel again! When I was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood, I was assured of the "Ministering of Angels" and Di ministers to my mental health. She is therefore an Angel to me! I truly believe that the promise to me of "ministering of Angels" why should I believe that this is not going to be a physical thing? I was promised it, so why should it not hold true?

I know that ther Branch Presidents wife is of the opinion that this "ministering" is only an ethereal thing. I believe that it is far more real! That way I HAVE seen an Angel!

That brings me to the thought that Michele was not an Angel for me for too long! Sure she ministered to me when I truly needed it, but maybe she became a fallen angel?

On DSTV, there are often programs on religion. Because they are often "intillectual" views of the Bible, they are often than not, either inaccurate or downright false! I had the TV on in the background waiting for a program to begin, and they were talking of "lost gospels" that contained ideas voiced in the Book of Mormon. This is a testament to me that the BoM is true!

It still amazes me that some people say "I think" and it is taken as Gospel truth! What of the concept of theories? Darwin gave his "theory" of Evolution, and it is seen as undeniable fact! If Man were supposed to have evolved, why has he not changed in the last few millenia@ It would be incredibly opinionated to think that Man is now as perfect as he can be after evolving from swamp slime! The program was only on waiting for the new program, so I am not trying to refine my views of creation! I was not watching it especially out of an intellectual concern. Di tends to be evolutionist in thinking, only because that is what she was taught at school and university! Sure I have a University Honours degree, but I can (and do) think differently to what the scholars think!

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