Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You live and you learn

I unhderstand that the emphasis at Church is to continue studying for your mortality. I think that schools, technicons and universties have their place, but life can be just as much of an education centre - IF you are willing to learn as you go along!

At school, I did AEB "O" Levels, followed by "A" Levels, then after starting work as an audit clerk, did my University Degree (Batchelor of Accounting Science!) them my Honours degree then I did a post graduate course to qualify as a Chartered Accountant.

Since my MVA accident, my untidy handwriting - that the teachers in Primary school always complained about - has become virtually illegible! The muscles that control my hand movements, are technically spastic since I received brain damage in my MVA. Luckily this brain damage only affected my fine motor skills, and not my mental capacity. The neuro surgeon maintains that the accident knocked a few points off of my IQ but this is only because I cannot write as fast as I used to! I could obviously have stood to lose a few points, although this is more a speed reaction thing than it was a mental ability thing!

One thing that I kind of regret is that my handwriting is terrible, although there are ways and means to survive with this disability!

I dont think that this alone entitles me to park in the disabled bays at shops! I had to laugh because Christine went to get something from the car that was parked in the Disabled Drivers parking at the Pavillion Centre in Durban. Apparently the security guard questioned her right to be there, even though I have Disabled Access stickers in the front and rear windows! I have seen fat vaalies (from Gauteng) who park there because they have a sore finger - or a razor cut from shaving! It riles me that they think they are able park there, and I have to walk miles to the shop door! I have even said to them "Do you REALLY want to qualify to park here? Because I dont recommend it, although it will not be difficult to arrange this!" Generally they dont accept the offer! - I dont blame them for this!

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