Monday, January 24, 2011

What s happening locally?

I truly believe that this week, the branch was slightly at sea! Although I was treated with authority, I still felt that the branch was looking for SOMETHING. I am not sure that we actually nailed whatever down! The Branch President kept on telling me that soon (how long is that going to be?) we will have our new Elders Quorum President. However he kept on referring to me as if I was already the EQ President. We had a Branch Council meeting where I was in attendance in the place of the EQ President. A lot was discussed where I can get my teeth into the calling, but am kind of at a loss because I do not hold the Pristhood keys to operate properly.

I know that on Saturday I am supposed to be at this meeting on behalf of MY Quorum (I feel that I have the freedom - without the keys - to fly with the responsibility) I was going to be at the meeting anyway, since I am on the District Council.

I wonder if the added responsibility given to the Elders Quorum, is not in fact a learning curve towards future Branch Presidency? When I moved from Sandton to Richards Bay, my Bishop pulled me aside and said to me that he was impressed that he saw the day when I would be Bishop in Richards Bay. He did not see that I would be divorced - or maybe he did? Generally divorcees are not chosen to lead wards, but I was divorced because my ex chose to go her own way! I know she made a mistake, but everyone has agency to do what they feel is necessary! That is going to be a hurdle to cross as Elders Quorum President or as Branch President! People have their agency to use what intelligence they have, to live their lives as best they can! It does not help when you can see as plain as the nose on your face that someone is making choices that you would not make! I also understand that there are members out there who expect that the Branch President/Bishop will make trivial descisions for them, like what they are to defrost for supper! Diplomatically telling them that Heavenly Father expects/demands that they make theese decisions themselves willl be a real test! I KNOW that the Elders Quorum President (has not been released yet) has made a crazy decision to move to Pinetown, but he has made the move and has to live with the consequences of his actions! Maybe he can make it work, and I truly hope he can, but he is old and ugly enough to make his own choices, but I think he realises that he has to live with the consequences.

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