Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Current snapshots

At the school, I had to drop Christine off for the term. Thank Heavens I own a "Ventertjie" a not so tiny luggage trailer. The Landy with its new boots (SERIOUS off road tyres - designated as "All Terrain" tyres) is too small to hold all the crap from a matric! Last year another parent with the same symptoms commented "Thank Heavens that Ventertjies are so handy!" Of the 5 4x4s there dropping off kids, all 5 had little Venter Trailers in tow! Other manufacturers make luggage trailers, but they are kind of too small to cope with the luggage accumulated by schoolgirls.

When I was at school, all of my books for the day fitted in a backpack, but now my daughter needs a HUGE 4x4 AND a luggage trailer to carry all their stuff! Boy have times changed!

This is some of the scenery up near the school. The Drakensbery is right nearby and I love the mountains!

Over in the distance is Midmar Dam, a really good place to go yachting or windsurfing! The water is kind of cold, but at least the water is clean and blue! It is really beautiful surroundings and I love sailing there! On Lake McIlwaine outside of what is now Harare, we used to sail from the caravan park, The lake is not that large, but is pea green from the algae there! The water is warmer (from the algae) but it must be hugely more difficult to clean to drink!
At least Mac was not covered in Water hyacinth like Kariba is! That is kind of wall to wall (or is that shore to shore) Water Hyacinth a really aggressive water weed.
On TV in the background, there is a show that is going on about how unsafe it is for the environment to braai (barbeque to the uncivilised!) but is more environmentally friendly to use electricity! Top Gear had a recent program where they built their own eco friendly Electric car! Dont these people think about how damageing to the environment it is to generate electricity? Usually coal fired power stations (you see them dotted all over the Gauteng region) use up huge amounts of fossil fuel - not that this is bad in itself, but nearby you cannot even hang washing out in the sun to dry because of the acid rain! Talk to the residents of Chernobyl in Russia and ask them if Nuclear power is "environmentally friendly?" I personally have the belief that it can be argued for or against anything as to whether it is "environmentally friendly". I believe that "Global Warming" is a hoax so that the man in the street worries more about "conserving the environment" than he does in worrying about that really matters!
I bought a V8 4x4 Automatic and as far as I can see, that is seen by most in Richards Bay as a monster. I see that it is environmentally friendly since behind the wheel, I get to enjoy the environment! It CANNOT damage the road surface if it is not even on the road!
Heavenly Father has said that it is his mission that man may have joy, and boy do I find joy in driving a V8 auto - with the airconditioner on!

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