Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another thought

I am amazed at how FAR man has come in the last 3 decades! When I was a Corporal in the Pay Corps of the Rhodesian Army (We were disbanded once Mugabe came to power!) I was aware that the computer used to handle military matters was one of 2 in the whole country!

It was so sensitive to dust, that it was hermetically sealed on the 10th and 11th floor of a highrise in downtown Salisbury. The city only became "Harare" after I left the country. What stunned me was that "Harare" was the name of the local slum area. Why name an "important" city (largest by far in the country!) after a slum? Still they named the country after a set of ancient ruins! I often think that Mugabe has a lot to answer for:-
He turned a few hectare of ancient ruins, into a whole country!
He turned even the lowest paid, into millionaires - pity for them then was that it cost millions in the local currency to buy a loaf of bread! When I left the country, a loaf cost 25 cents, not millions of dollars!

I and my 2 brothers left the country on holiday - as did tens of thousands of others - and just failed to ever return! We officially immigrated into SA so technically I suppose that we are technically still residents of 2 countries! After we came on holiday and found jobs, my parents drove back to Zim and officially emigrated. Was it legal? RGM was happy to see the back of us, and I have never felt the need to return to Zim. There is so much of Africa - and the world - that there is to see!

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