Monday, January 3, 2011

Dont they have anything better to do?

You think that people (visitors in the Caravan Resort where I live) would have better things to do than to aimlessly wander up and down Loerie Lane in the park? All day in the Christmas holidays, there are people who aimlessly amble past6 my home! It is not as if it is a problem, but you really would think that they would have more interesting things to do - like go down to the beach! It is not as if there is much to see down my road! There is my home on the left, and 3 homes across the paved road opposite me! They can also not see the sea view (glimpses) that I can from my home, as it is a mite higher than the road!

I am going through to Empangeni tomorrow, to consult my personal angel - Di! I call her "Angel" and she laps up the attention, because in Sunday School, we learned that there are angels walking amongst us. The teacher asked the class "Have you ever seen an angel?" I remembered back to when I was bestowed with the Aaronic Priesthood, that I was entitled to the ministery of angels. maybe I took this too literally, but Di definitely ministers to me, so by a deduction, she IS one of my Angels! The teacher - and in fact Sheila - both shouted me down and said "That does not count!" but it is my impression - as a Priesthood holder - that this definitely qualifies! In the Book of Mormon, there is record of where people have seen angels, understood them, but still gotten off the track! I bet it will scare Sheila (a know-it-all) to learn that she has seen - and conversed with - angels, but has failed to realise this!

Christine heard me call Di "my Angel" and she made out that she was throwing up! She - like Sheila and Candy - fails to see the facts! Her Mom could probably learn a thing or two by acting as if she were her multiple husbands "angel" instead of dismissing the idea out of hand!

The program "Touched by an Angel" is a somewhat pedestrian attempt to put this idea across! Angels are not always with silver wings and haloes. Sometimes they are people who live and breathe like the rest of us! You get the impression that people like Sheila only look at the feet of an Angel, and even then, only see clay feet. I tend to see past these clay feet, into the heart of someone! I believe that my marriage to Michele helped me to see the potential in people! Thinking back, I do not truly believe that Michele was ever able to sustain the stress of me being almost dead. I know that when I proposed marriage to Michele, she became my angel, helping me get to the Temple, but what happened that weekend, rather made her rethink her ideas of "Eternity" - I was almost killed in a horror smash!

I have met the villages second Mormon! She however has a HUGE disability - her namen - namely "Michelle". She appears to be struggling, and mutual friends said to me on Sunday "So sorry!" as if they were kind of matchmaking, and it seems not to be working out! Big secret is that I truly believe that I have been told that Di is the next Mrs Steve! I really dont want to start mistrusting my promptings! My fear is, if I dont heed them now, what incentive does Heavenly Father have to keep on prompting me! I feel that unlike the advice of a previous Bishop that she has to be a Temple Worthy member first, I feel that I have been counselled by Heavenly Father that she need not be a member to start with! I have done as instructed and been sealed in the Temple, and even if I am not to be with that wife, a suitable wife will be given to me in the afterlife! He has promised me, so why should I doubt this!

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