Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am shocked that certain stores are so lax with the quality of their produce! I bought a vaccum cleaner at a mass store, kept the box unopened for a month, then today opened the box! Blow me down with a straw and the handle - supposedly strong enough to lift the machine - has been snapped off! I know that if you want anything in the compyter or cell-phone line, you have to know exactly what you are looking for - dont ask for assistance because if you dont know, you stilol know more than they do!

I am disgusted that they seem incapable of selling anything in decent condition. I think that they get hold of the factory's and say "We will take ALL of your failed quality control items!" The public (me included) are under the impression that they are reasonable in their costs, but no wonder - they get discount for all the factory ejects, and pass these savings on to an unsuspecting public! Turns out that it is false economy to buy ANYTHING from them, when it costs more in fuel to get it replaced, than the original cost!

You ive and you learn - inexpensive is not the same as cheap. This store sells cheap stuff, but at R 50 in fuel to go back and change anything, they are by far the most expensive store around! Trouble is, they may offer an exchange policy, but they refuse to offer replacement of the cash you lose in getting home, finding a problem and then getting it replaced!

I spent yesterday "fixing things" around the house! I find that I CAN, so I do! Drives me wild when I cannot find things! Starts when I cannot locate my drill. Is it easier to throw in the towl and buy a new drill - Sure, less stress! Then I need to buy a new drill bit chuck, so that I can get the old drill bit out and get a new one in! Then I throw what toys are left in reach, out of the cot because I have "lost" all of my dril bits. Actually, I have found the bits but the one I need is broken, so I have to get a new one - from a hardware store, not from the waste graveyard that I bought my vacuum cleaner from! A trip to one of the 3 local hardware stores is required. However, you can take it to the bank that tomorrow, I will not be able to find anything - again! Being handy has it's limitations! Realising that I have a problem finding things is stressing me out! The drill bit key that I mentioned, just happens to to be the third one that I have bought! Somewhere there are lost little gubbinses that have just been joined by a new friend!

Since I was run over, and received brain damage - minor enough that I am medically spastic, with a really short fuse - I have found that I am short fused. Before I was accident damaged, I was really hard to push to the limit, but since my accident, I tend to get really frustrated. When I lose my cool, it is better that the person who made me lose my cool, leave the planet preferrably and a better result would be to leave this galaxy! I am convinced that the nuclear blast that flattened Hiroshima in World War 2, was a minor sneeze in comparison! My ex married me BC (Before Crash) when I was quite mellow. She found though that she managed to push me past my limit after the accident, when she demanded divorce, and I gave it to her!

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