Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This I know is a really strong influence in the Mormon religion. I have an idea that certain members kind of think that not only is it restrictive, but is way out of date. I know my ex felt tied down by her Temple Covenants and found it necessary to break her covenants. I get the impression that at one stage, she felt that morality was outdated, and that HeavenlyFather must just "get with the current program" - shades of my thoughts on Global Warming!

That seems to be the opinion of many people! My Angel has problems at the moment with a secretary who is well in the grips of the dreaded pornography! Di is horrified that her hard drive has been destroyed by downloaded porn! Not only is the drive compromised - once it is there, it is not easy to obliterate. What is more concerning is that the secretary should have been working - at her day job - but was busy surfing the web for porn! This makes me grateful that I believe in a Heavenly Father who warns - constantly - against the effects of porn. The secretary has also been identified as filming her own sexual activities, and downloading them on her employers hard drive! How warped is that? No wonder Di is not happy to use this computer to Email or use a blog after hours!

What scares me is that Mormon #2 in the village, has moved into a log home the Caravan Resort. I was pulled aside on sunday by one of my hometeaching families, and they first apologised to me, then warned me "If you see a male there, dont get upset!" Why they would say this, defeats me - except that at one stage it looked like they were trying to hook us two up! Unfortunately for Mormon #2, she has a MONSTROUS deformity - her name! I have no intention of having the next "Mrs Steve" again called Michelle"

I am still #2's Home Teacher and I think that maybe they were warning me on this count! I used to be the Hometeacher of a Counsellor on the Bishopric, and went round to hometeach him, but felt that the spirit was screaming at me "Run!" I did not stick around, and later learned that he had left his wife for the arms of other females! I could not really report it to the Bishop, as I only had impressions, not proof! In any event, it was the same feelings that I had when my estranged wife moved in with her aditted lover and started demanding - loud and long - a divorce!

When I heeded the promptings and sued her for divorce, she was shocked, mainly because I had taken the threat of divorce out of the equation. She had no power to use the big "D" as a threat!

I was engaged at one point to a lady who was baptised into the Church. I refused to be drawn into the world of pre-marital sex, and I have the impression that my moral stance is why:-
1. We never seemed to click AND
2. Why she broke off the engagement! She was rather miffed when I took back my ring! I still have it, but will never use it for a future engagement!
I get the impression that Di is suitably impressed that I have never tried to force myself on her!

I do know that Di has an idea what my intentions ultimately are, and that I am not prepared to violate my Temple Covenants! I do sense however that she is terrified to commit to another marriage (#1 abandonned her and #2 became unbearable to live with! He is still a pratt.)

Is this restrictive? I say "No" as I am aware that my ex's second marriage failed because the sex was no longer so magic. It still concerns me that she moved in with her current spouse before she divorced #2. Is this history repeating itself? What when #4 heaves into view - and what makes him think he is exempt?

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