Friday, January 21, 2011

New actions

I am always trying new things! Part of continuously learning - I know that some people are so anxious to get ahead that they are more keen on the learning suppliied by schools, technicons and universities! They are forever learning, but once they have passed their exams, they tend to forget what they learn, and move onto something else. Is this really going to benefit them in the hereafter?

I have heard opinion that my friends sudden decision to move from the farm to Pinetown, is crazy! I can see that being a qualified mechanic can only help out on a farm. When my brother was an appy (apprentice mechanic) he worked first on repairing tractors, then Bakkies (pick up's) then on heavy trucks! If he were a farmer, he could easily handle repairs to anything on the farm - the cars, 4x4 diesel bakkies, the tractors or even the harvester machines!

It can only be an advantage to be a qualified mechanic on a farm. My friend was, a month ago, proudly a farmer, but is now working as a mechanic. I sense that he was kind of protected on the farm, as he used the farm bakkies, lived in the farm house (was helping to build a new farm house!) and enjoyed being fed by the family. To get to Church he did not have to pay for transport. I fear that he will struggle to make ends meet on an apprentice mechanics salary (food, rent and enjoyment) especially as his lady friend lives in Kloof, nearby but generally the families there come from serious wealth! I know that my ex was kind of hit by the fact that I am a qualified CA, but moving from a rich environment growing up, she battled with having to survive on a salary - even though as a new CA, I was at the bottom rung of a really high earning ladder. I was earning maybe 3 oir 4 times as much as the ladies in the office, but was on my way up to my bosses position (3 or 4 times as much as me!) then on to his bosses position, easily 8 - 10 times as much as I earned!

I was on my way to earning serious cash! When I had my accident, it kind of capped my rise in the firm, and hence my earning power. I seriously believe that this was too much of a shock to my ex, and she saw free spending as a thing of the past, and that scared her. Her dreams of wealth were kind of shattered. She failed to comprehend that it was more of a shock to my system! I was used to being a get ahead in life kind of guy, but suddenly it was too much to start with to learn to walk again! Even now, I battle witb seemingly simple tasks like swallowing or even breathing. I spent 4 months on my back in the coma, then another maybe 6 - 8 months as an in-patient and as an out-patient!Then I was offered the choice between retrenchment or retirement! I chose retirement because I realised that I had lost some of my "killer instinct". It is surely better to get a monthly pension on ill-health retirement, than to be out of work!

Even so, I do get to do things that I really like - drives to the Game Reserve in my 4x4! Beats working in the largest city in Africa! I have learned since retirement that I sufer from a post accident trauma called a "startle response" where sudden actions or noise from surrounding vehicles tends to startle me and I kind of go into a "fight or flight" mode! I dont feel in control of my life if I feel threatened by other drivers! I tense up and would easily kill them if they threaten my well-being! Maybe "kill" is too extreme a word, but I am male and like to feel in control. That is why I gave my ex the divorce she demanded! She felt in control of our relationship, and called all of the shots - including who she shared her bed with. The only way I saw to stop this, was to give her what she demanded - but apparently did not actually want - ie. divorce!

Being divorced, is not great, but I am positive that I am better off now than I would have been if I were still married! If nothing else, it gave my ex the impression that I am not going to be pushed around - by anyone! Somewhere after my accident, I grew a spine! That scared her, so she started threatening divorce - I think, so that I would cave in and accept her authority. Boy was she stunned when the sherrif delivered the divorce summonses on her. That kind of proves to me you should not just pray for "things" - you might just get them!

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