Thursday, January 27, 2011

What is in a name?

I know that it should not be a big thing, but I was christened - then baptised - with the name "Stephen". That is how it has been for 50+ years, so it is unfair of snotty nosed brats to change it! When I am officially referred to at church, it should be - by rights - by my correct name. I know that familiarity has allowed my friends to call me "Steve" and that is OK by me - friend to friend - but officially my name is spelt with a "ph" not even with a "v".

I have a hang up with people who refer to our District President as "Ted" rather than the more correct "Edward". Goodness, he has earned his position as head of the local District, so should be honoured by referring to him by his name - in the correct version - not by a common abbreviation.

We have a District Presidency member who has the label "Zacharia" and no-one refers to him as "Zack"

I know that the District President was going on about some Zulu members who were recorded on the baptismal records by one name, but are referred to by another! We have one member by the name "Jessica" although try as you might, the Church records show no-one by that name! Her name is on the records - but no mention of "Jessica" - then they wonder when the clerk records tithing donations for Jessica whatever, and come time for tithing settlement, she is recorded as a non-tithepayer! It becomes more serious when a temple recommend is issued in her common name, but when she is recorded at the Temple, she is not a member!

No-one refers to the Branch President as "Bob(by) Van Thiel - he insists on being referred to as Robert - rightly so! He however, is the prime culprit for referring to me from the Pulpit as "Steve" and his uncle as "Ted"! It is not correct to sustain "Steve" from the pulpit, because "he" does not officially exist!

I have other concerns with names! I am recorded on the Church records as being born in Sinoia, ZIMBABWE. That place officially does not exist - and never has! Since Independance the town (barely big enough to be classed as more than a village) has been called Chinoye, and per the records I was born in Zimbabwe. Officially my birth certificate says "Sinoia, Southern Rhodesia" and that place must be an important place - I was born there! How much more important can you get?

1 comment:

  1. We always called them President but you were always Steve.
    Our first names in Richards Bay were Elder and Sister.
