Friday, December 10, 2010

Huge Cars

Yesterday I went to the brand new Nandos Chicken at the 5 Ways Mall in Empangeni. Obviously the run-of-the-mill cars today are tiny. I pulled into an ordinary bay and climbed out! Christine on the other hand could not open her door properly, as my Landy was squeezed into a parking bay.

The funniest thing was the car to the left tried to get into his car, and could not! He was parked right on the edge (drivers side) of the parking bay, and he could not get in!

These are some of the joys of driving in Empangeni. They stood around scratching their heads, and eventually climbed into the passenger door and slid along the seats to the drivers side! That makes me glad that usually, I get to park in the Disabled Bays, where the bays are HUGE.

I have been letting Christine drive on the back roads, as she is learning to drive. My Landy is great for her as in it, she does not have to shift gears, as it is automatic! I have decided that for her, no matter what the road signs say, her maximum speed is limited to 80 km/h (50 mph).
That is fast enough for her to avoid trouble. Even I get overtaken at 120, the usual limit. What worries me a bit is that my ex thinks that limiting speed is a great idea (chalk one up to the Priesthoodholder) although she has said she will limit her speed even in town to 40! That may be well in a city (Cape Town) but is kind of s-l-o-w.

She is getting confident behind the wheel, and I am amazed that I am not a gibbering wreck - at least not noticeably! Maybe it is because I was a head case before she started driving, and am no different now! I WILL not let her drive at night - yet - and am kind of protective over her! I am still not comfortable to let her drive in traffic! I think it would scare the living excrement out of her! I am kind of amazed that she is so confident behind the wheel.

The only thing is that I have decided to take MY 4x4 back and get her a smaller car! I have seen a Renault Clio for sale and they are letting me have it at lower than the list price! It is great - plastic wings so if she dings them, they are cheap and easy to replace (R 300 or so each!) Once she goes overseas to study at University the year after next, I will keep it for me (my third car!) as a V8 4x4 is rather large for her, and a Porsche is not great to learn to drive in. Behind most wheels, you are about 1/3 of the way down the car, but in my Porsche, you are more than half way down the car! I can cope, but she cannot yet judge distances properly!

All I am waiting for is for the trust to say "Go ahead!"

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