Monday, December 20, 2010

Birth of our Saviour

I have a feeling that a force is working to get man to forget why we celebrate Christmas. Even the use of the name is "unfashionable" with the programs and adverts on TV referring to Happy Holidays, with no reference to whose commemoration it is. Christmas is a composite of 2 words "Christ" - and all Christians know who He is, and "Mass" - the word used for "celebration" - si it is celebration of Christs birth, not just a holiday from work when we can be "happy!"

I get the sense that a huge part of the population does not believe in Christ, and so this season of the year is a time to take off of work and for the average person, to get skunk mindless on alcohol. Still, that is their agency but why are they limiting my freedon of speech and religion, by eliminating Christ from Christmas. Some even refer to "Xmas" as if Christ is no longer important enough to remember more than an "X"!

However the commercial results are not forgotten. Christmas is a time when the coffers are opened wide and money flows like Liquor. I understand that Christmas is the best time of year for a lot of businesses, with spending on inconsequentials. Main problem is that once you are older than 21, the years rush by so fast that you have barely recovered from one Christmas, and the next is galloping towards you at a frightening pace! Try living in a city and the frenetic pace of life makes time even shorter!

I was stunned when I looked in my new atlas, that the worlds population is centred more or less on the equator. The worlds population lives mainly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These tropics are only around 33% of the distance between poles. Sure some places are crowded (India and China) but there are HUGE tracts (Africa) where no-one lives! Where then is the idea that Man has outgrown the planet created for him? I file this along with my ideas of:-
Evolution (utter hogwash!)
Global Warming (if we are heating up, why is Decemher here, sitting with average temperatures of between 23 and 28 degrees celsius, instead of around 35 degrees celsius (as it generally is at Chritmas here! Britain and Europe is in the grips of the coldest winter on record, so that covers the Northern Hemisphere AND the Suthern Hemisphere)

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