Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today was another interesting one! The woman of my dreams saw the new Love palm that I got for her and was - goodness gracious - excited! The one that I gave her initially actually died for some reason.

I bought 2, 1 for her and 1 for me, and mine is still healthy, even though I have not fertilised it - ever - and often forget to water it for days on end! It is still a healthy green and looks quite healthy!

The one that i gave to Di, was regularly watered and was fertilised with pot plant food every time it was watered! I THINK that it was killed with love - the fertiliser obviously has quite a high portion of mineral salts and too much tended to dry the plant out. Too much fertiliser and it was virtually killed by love! How many can claim that!

Initially I thought that it was killed by underwatering, so I bought Di a pot full of cacti - pretty but rather able to survive on a minimum of water! I suggested that her secretary kept the plants on the desk inside of the door where they get strong light - not sunlight! Mine is happy on the glass table in my lounge where it gets an hour or so of direct sunlight early morning. I have yet to fertilise it as it looks healthy enough!

At present the palm is around 10 cm high (3 - 4 inches) and is unlikely to grow much larger, in the pot! Up near the mini golf course in the park are 2 that have "gone wild" and are about 1 - 1.5 meters tall (about the height of a 10 - 15 year old!) but they are not bound by a tiny pot!

The cacti look reasonably happy as the one has even sprouted a shoot! Mine is just near the big screen TV in my lounge, so it is probably as close to being sung to every day as it is likely to be!

It is not as if I am a brilliant gardener, but sometimes things work for me! When Di's palm DIed off (surprise surprise!), I bought a new palm from the l;ocal hardware store and repotted it in the pot that the one I gave to Di was in!

I never would have thought that Di would become so attached to something as small as a potted love palm! When Di saw her new palm, she was excited! Does my heart good to know that sometimes I dont foul up - at least not too badly!

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