Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blog Traffic

I was advised of blog statistics that let you know:-

1. How many hits you have gotten
2. Where these hits have been achived

What stuns me is that people from South Africa (my home country) are only a small portion of my "readership. I fully expected that a large portion of my readership comes from North America (I am still in contact with Missionery couples from the LDS Church who are serving from the USA - most of them from around Salt Lake City. I am - as I said - stunned that in the last week, I have had 11 hits from Russia.

This really amazed me! Before I started my blog, I was constasntly pestered to write a book. By blogging, I am putting my thoughts down in everlasting print!

I have some "way out there" ideas, that I thought were somewhat strange. Life here gives me no reason to change this opinion. I still have some ideas that are questionable, but they do keep me - in my retirement - interested, and apparently interesting!

I have DSTV Satellite TV, and several programs have made me have thoughts!
Ewan Mcgreggor and Charley Bornman did 2 trips, 1 called "Long Way Down" riding motorcycles from John O Groats in Scotland, down Africa to Cape Town. On this trip they met several people who had driven/ridden from Cape Town, north. Often in the village I live in, there are adventurers driving 4x4 motorhomes from Cape Town up North.

Then they rode from London, eastwards to New York, via Russia. They flew across the Baering Straits between Russia and Alaska. I have an Atlas that shows that it is possible (if not entirely practical) to drive between the 2 continents in winter when the Straits freeze over! On BBC, they showed a program of Top Gear where the 3 presenters (obviously with a huge backup crew) drove to the North Pole, and there is a race to the South Pole - on foot!

It is therefore (I think) possible for an adventurer to drive from Cape Town (foot of Africa) to Cape Point (foot of South America). As a member of the LDS Church (Mormons) it has been revealed that the original Garden of Eden is in North America. The Great Flood was supposed to drown all but Noah and his family, and either way, there must have been a way that "they" could walk between the 2 continents. Either they walked from North America to Africa, via Russia, or "they" walked from the Middle East to the Americas, also via Russia. During winter I assume that the sea in the Arctic Circle freezes over enough to provide a way to get - by land - from Cape Horn to Cape Town.

If some out of condition TV Presenters can get to the geographic North Pole, then it is possible - even if not entirely practical to travel vitually anyhere - by motor vehicle. GPS is great, but how did they travel before GPS? It can be so handy to have a female voice telling you "turn here", even if you dont want to! I often have my GPS on when I am driving in Durban, and the friendly voie always tries to send me down the M13 freeway, instead of the N3 freeway - that I know! My daughter has fits of laughter when it says "Turn left here!" and I have a full on arguement with it, saing "No ways!" The GPS tries to send me back, often saying "Make a Uturn here!" and when I dont, it throws a hissy fit and "recalculates route!" I do enjoy it though when it pipes up "Observe the speed limit!" because I am speeding (all to easy in a Landrover or a Porsche!) The disembodied voice is preferrable to a wife with the all important map in hand, saying "turn here!" Amazigly on honeymoon we went from Durban to George and back - via Sani Pass - and never once did we get lost, although there were times when my new bride sat - with the map - in icy silence!

She was learning early on, that men dont get lost - they often take a more scenic route! I often get my GPS squalking "Recalculating route" but it very seldom- although not "never" tells the man with built in Satellite Navigation to "Make a "U" turn"

I have had it tell me "turn left here!" when the road it wants to send me down does not exist - yet! It will one day, but today is not that day! Immediately when I dont use my 4 wheel drive to go "bundu-bashing" it squalks at me "Recalculating route". I have had times when it tells me "Turn left here" and immediately when I do turn, it squalks "Recalculating route" which means that I have made an un-anticipated turn! (????)

I remember when she (WWoW - and she even knows what this stands for - and laughs at it!) used to complain en route to work, that in early winter in Johannesburg (not the warmest place on the planet) I had the aircon on, clearing the windows of condensation. Sure it was cold, but goodness, it worked - and fast! Why else have an aircon in a sports car?

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