Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today I learned what part of Branch leadership is all about. The Branch President was away, neither of his counsellors were there and the Elders Quorum President was not there. Since I am next in line with Branch Leadership, I was appointed as the Presiding Elder. This same situation will exist next week also.

I understand that since I am on the District Presidency, I am efectively in training to become a Branch President. I am the most senior of the Council, so that effectively means that I am next in line for Branch Presidency!

I was presiding during Sacrament, and I was assured by 2 parties that I did a great job! I did comment that I understood that behind the pulpit I was kind of protected from attack by the congregation, and everyone heard me - and understood. I get an intense urgent feeling that I am likely to be branch president of Richards Bay branch very soon! Far from the branch presidency terrifying me, I feel that it is yet another step in my personal learning curve! I know whom I was as my counsellors - at least one of them!

When I joined the Church in 1991, I was terrified of speaking up in a crowd of more than 2 - and even then, 1 of them had to be me! After 20 years - give or take - I can speak with authority in a congregation. I was used to wielding a modicum of authority, in an FN Rifle. Even then I was not happy in a crowd. I HATED my rifle - heavy killing machine, that had to accompany you EVERYWHERE, to the toilet, when you showered or shaved and when you went down to the mess to eat! That is when I found an unusual use for Condoms - great to seal the meticulously cleaned barrel from water intrusion. If the worst happened, they are easily broken by a speeding bullet! In the army "cleanliness was literally close to godliness" and woe betide you if your barrel showed signs of rust! A condom kept water - and dust - out of a rifle barrel.

What stuns me is how many "fair weather Mormons" there are out there - the slightest excuse and they either stay at home - or go to the beach! Trouble is that fair weather at the coast, is when it is most pleasant on the beach! Where are all the visitors who are away from their own branches, in a vacation spot? Of the 20 adults there, some 10 were visitors, but you can be pretty sure that there are more than 10 visiting members in Richards Bay! When I was on honeymoon in the Wilderness area of the Western Cape, I made the effort to attend Church in George! When I was away in Mpumulanga, I located a tiny branch in Nelspruit. There are pretty well branches spread all over the country. Finding a nearby branch or ward, cannot be so difficult. Why then at holiday season do they stay away in their droves? Committment seems to take a back seat when there is a public holiday.

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