Friday, October 15, 2010


Far from being a child of the New Age, using technology to my benefit (fun? amuzement?) I find that using new technology can be daunting - to say the least! I was in Durban 3 days ago, but the photos that I took on my camera seem to have vanished! I must have done something to delete them! Still, I am thinking of going back down! I found a store in the Gateway where I saw a bone china dinner service, that thinking about it, I should have bought! I did buy a set of imported Beer glasses! Shock - Horror! How can a Mormon buy Beer Glasses, if he does not drink alcohol?

News to all out there is that Fruit Juice DOES taste way better from imported crystal glassware than it does from an ordinary tumbler glass - the cheapies from the local Spar store! Food tastes better off of Bone China than it does off of cheap earthernware plates! Besides, Bone China and Crystal Glassware takes a lot more of a beating than does the average cheapie glasses/plates etc! Spending R 15 on a quartz crystal beer glass that lasts, is more financially economical than buying cheap mass produced suff, that chips and cracks at the slightest excuse - like the wind outside is blowing too strongly!

True enough, plastic plates survive the best, but they are generally cheap and nasty stuff! Maybe I'm a snob, believing that juice tastes better out of Quartz Crystal than out of ordinary tumblers. At some stages of life, quality does pay!

I suppose that the same can be said of my cars! A 1984 Porsche runs far better than do most cars built in 1991 - if these are still on the road!

On Tuesday when Di and I were down in Durban, there were plenty of chances to laugh! At the end of the day, she was stressing a bit that to get home was rather more urgent! In a cafe, she had ordered a coffee for herself (she is not yet a Mormon, so it is not discouraged!)

The service was kind of unusually slow - for a Tuesday when they were not rushed off of their feet! Anyway she was looking around moaning at our waiter being so slow because we had to leave! She was moaning, and I was trying to attract her attention! The waiter was standing behind her, so close that he could have spilled her Skinny Latte on her! I nearly collapsed laughing! Anyway, he saw the funny side too - and so did she!

We had been to Cinema Nuveau, to see an art movie, where a chinese boy of around 8 was starting his training as a ballet dancer "Mao's Last Dance" (I think) This film started off where the talking was all subtitled, being in Mandarin! Anyway it was not too long before it was only flashbacks in Mandarin. The story was incredibly gripping, and it turned out that it is based on true life! Goes to show why the Chinese and Russians are so good! They start training early on, and are single minded at what they do! That makes me agog at how Native Africans can think that they can do well (Soccer World Cup) when they start training only at age 20! How can they beat athletes/artists who started training at age 8 - or even before, and know nothing else! For SA Soccer players, they start age 20, and by then, have the influences of the world to distract them - money, booze, girls etc! Then they think that they have the chance of winning things like the SWC, or even the Olympics! Sure, they may be good, but not like someone who has been 100% focussed on the sport from age 5 or so, and likely has known nothing else!

A change of thoughts!
If Man had started off his existance in Africa (Cradle of Humanity outside of Johannesburg) why were most nations clothed? It was only the darker races who went about with loin cloths, or nothing! The nations from the Americas and Europe are traditionally clothed, the further north, the more layers they wore! The native Africans, the Aborigine tribes etc, wore next to nothing! If we "evolved" from native Africa, why do we bother with clothes? I know that Adam was clothed after he ate of the fruit, and I dont think that this was necessarily to keep out the cold!

I am also highly amuzed at some statements made by the "learned men" of the world. I know that the current monster in the cupboard is "Global Warming!" There are theories out there, that all of the bodies circling the sun are cooling! The moon is tiny compared to the earth, so that is the reason it has cooled so fast, and why life there is unsustainable! If we are destined to cool to such an extent as to make life impossible, how does this compare to the idea that we have Global Warming! Either we are getting warmer, or we are getting cooler.

In any event, I think that someone is creating different viewpoints, to scare us! If we were once in an Ice Age, why did the globe warm up enough to melt the ice! Then we are warming up - until someone propounds a theory that we are cooling down! I think that this is mainly a "the grass is greener elsewhere" type of mentality - never satisfied with where you are! That reminds me of the Jedi Master - Yoda - in the Star Wars films! It would be in his character to tell men off, because their minds are on a better life - anywhere but here!

Another thought is, if the Ice Age melted, where is all of the melted ice now? Surely not in my pool? It cannot be in the seas, because that water there is salty, and ice does not contain salt! Why can Man not just be happy with the way things are? Why invest huge sums in spreading panic that life is not as it should be, but we can magically influence things to our benefit - or detriment! I am convinced that it is Satan trying to make us believe that:-
1. Man has become more powerful than our Creator!
2. We need to spend our time panicking - not praying to our Heavenly Father.
3. We can influence the end of the World! Whichever way it "ends" Satan is hedging his bets, so
that he can say "I told you so!" I truly think that the scolars of the World are also hedging
their bets. Either we are cooling down, or we are warming - or, here's a new thought, we
are not changeing! In any event Man is here to have Joy, not to worry himself silly about
Global Warming, Global Cooling or scientific proof that there is some sort of cosmic
conspiracy to make life impossible on our planet - or at least, better elsewhere

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