Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Coming weekend

This coming weekend is the Treverton Schools (there are 2 of them together - a Preparatory School and a Senior School) and I am taking Christine out for the weekend. We have reserved a room at a Bed and Breakfast in Cowies Hill, which is between Durban and Pinetown. It is within spitting distance of the Pinetown Chapel so I shall be there on Sunday, not in Richards Bay.

I have not seen Christine since Easter, which if I remember correctly, was in March! I am still very disappointed that Christine has stayed with her ex step dad twice since I last saw her! I understand that Michele arranged that Christine avoid me whilst she was away, and it distresses me that her recent ex is seen as more worthy of Christines time than me - her biological father - deserves. So much for giving my consent for Christine to go overseas with Michele, when all I get for my trouble is a kick in the teeth - at least that is how I see things!

I have spoken to my headshrink about this, and she agrees that it seems kind of unfair. Still, I am so grateful that I am no longer married to WWoW (Wicked Witch of the West!) I know how I feel, and wonder how #2 feels - not that I actually care! Thank Heavens I was given the scriptural authority to institute divorce! A woman at the Branch is convinced that I am an outright unrepentant sinner, but she is not privy to the reasons for the Divorce - thank heavens!

Something to be grateful for is that the sun still shines! At the moment it is not yet very hot, and is actually somewhat cold at night! I a dead set against the cold, as I tend to suffer a bit from the cold! I believe that it is easier to get cool than it is to get warm. The cold seeps into my core, and once I am cold, I cannot get warm! To cool down in Zululand summer, all you need do is to turn on the aircon - or the fan - and the sea breezes are enough to cool me down. If that fails, there is always the swimming pool. I find that - even in the heat of February - there is a cooling sea breeze that blows into the Park.

I can no longer - since being stung by thousands of bees - able to have things like Coke (not that it was my favourite anyway!) or Ice Cream, by virtue of the fact that I am now diabetic! Since I gave up sugar, I have lost pant sizes from 40 down to 34 - in 4 months! I can still see that I could stand to lose a few more sizes, but I have slowed down tremendously in weight loss!

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