Sunday, October 3, 2010

Conference attendance

Being on the Elders Quorum Presidency, I was horrified that at the meeting broadcast today, there were 12 males in attendance - including 2 investigators, 3 Missionary Elders and 1 young man! That means that at least of the quorum views General Conference as an unexpected day off Church.

Of the 2 investigators, the one bought himself some chips for lunch! Poor guy did not know that a member does not spend cash on a day reserved for the Lord! It did not help that one member picked him out about this - no name, no pack drill, but most of you will know who this was! It took some convincing of the investigator that he had not done anything wrong - he did not know better. I think that this - officious - member needs to heed the warning from the First Presidency, that it is not our place to judge anyone - especially non members! Thank heavens, this investigator still wants to be baptised next week, even though there are some members who think these investigators need to be torn off a strip!

I did not want to say anything, because about 2 weeks ago, I pointed out a late arriving member outside of the chapel who needed the Sacrament! This member was really upset that I pointed out this member and she complained to the Branch President!

I still am of the opinion that when Michele was seperated from me, she co-habited with this member, and started to insist on divorce! I just wonder how much this member influenced Michele into insisting on Divorce?

Still, maybe it was for the best, in that I have experience (albeit bitter) of Divorce! Maybe this experience is for my education for the future leadership of the local unit - knowlege that I would not have otherwise! I can honestly advise desperate members that almost anything is better than divorce, although this does not happen to include murder!

Tomorrow, I am on my way up to the Game Reserve! I am taking the "new" senior couple up with me, to show them some of what Zululand is all about! I should have some photos to attach to my blog!

Something that really amuzes me is to see what are basically mud type huts (Rondavels, or one room built in a circular design - hence the name) with DSTV Satellite dishes on the wall! Something else that amuzes me hugely is that you can see who is more affluent than they started out as - small homes that have been extended. They dont bother to tie the roof of the extension into the original roofline! They just add new bits to the roofline!

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