I have to laugh every time a missionery refers to these animals as "Water Buffalo" because they are NOT! Water Buffalo live in Asia, not in Africa!
Reminds me of when I told an Elder when we saw an Elephant that it was an AFRICAN elephant! In complete wonder and awe, he asked "How can you tell?" Duh! Where are we?
Still it is fun to see them enjoying Africa! I even got to show off a bit (maybe a lot!) by taking the couple right offroad in my Landy, to get close up photos of Rhino lying in the bush! I could get them up close and personal with some rhino that were too far from the road to photograph easily!
I had fun, even though it was a really long day!
On DSTV, I am watching a documentary series on how Ewan Mcgreggor and friend motorcycled from London to New York east! I would like to see how they got from Russia across the Bering Straits to Alaska. I know that the out-of-shape (although round IS a shape) presenters of Top Gear on BBC, drove to the North Pole! Sure it would not be easy, but surely it is possible to get from Cape Horn to Cape Town other than by flying or going by sea! The Garden of Eden is in North America - not africa, so man MUST have crossed these straits either by boat (rafts are surely not that difficult to make!) or by walking across the ice when the sea freezes! Uncomfortable sure, but not impossible!
When the soldiers arrived in Africa from England, they had firearms that killed from a distance - developed from Bows and Arrows! From Africa, they had no idea of bows and arrows, or even gunpowder. For heavens sake, they did not even have the most basic of inventions that the west had - namely the wheel! If Man started off in Africa, why were they so backward? Even wars were won, by shouting down the enemy! In the west and Europe - and in Asia - wars were won by the last man standing, not by he with the worst insults! Still, is killing your enemy a better way of living, than throwing insults? Is he with a big mouth better than he with a firearm? Historically, who is victorius - The Indians had bows and arrows, but the firearms of the opposing forces defeated them! The Zulus had assegais to throw, but these too bit the dust!
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