Friday, October 22, 2010

Technology continued

I have tried to input a map co-ordinate into the GPRS that I have been given. I am mystified.
Thank heavens I also have an address! However, if I input the street adress, it works - or at least shows me the way to go. I could not find out how to input the co-ordinates that I was given, and I did find after I entered the address, that my set does not give exactly the same co-ordinates!

I have found that my GPRS has not steered me wrong before, so I hope that the difference is only measured in meters, not blocks away. I understand that the point that I am headed for is around 7 minutes from the Pinetown chapel - which I was married at! I know where that is! It is not very far from the Pavillion shopping mall. I dont go there, too often as Di and I like to go to the Cinema Nuveau in the nearby Gateway Centre!

I hope that I am not suddenly being directed to the wrong address! I have compared the co-ordinates that I was given, to the ones that my GPRS gives, and the difference is only in the seconds! How far that is, can only be meters!

I did find, just after I had first started using the set, that one night I was trying to get to an address in Johannesburg. Anyway, in my ignorance(?) I selected the wrong address, and the set was directing me to my home. It was dark (that is what happens at night- even if Africa - and it was a new area, so it was not immediately that I realised I was going the wrong way! It was only when familiar sights hove into view, that I realised I was going the wrong way!

I have found that when I input other addresses, that the set directed me to the correct spot!

I have found that if I am exceeding the speed limit, that it warns me! There is an option where I can get it to direct me around traffic problems, but I can cope without that! Where I live, 2 cars a day pass my home, and amazingly enough, both of these live in my garage!

It does warn me "Turn left here" and generally this is OK, although I have found that on occasion, I know better which way to go! It is hilarious when my GPRS has a thrombosis because I am not willing to "Turn here!" and it says - in a huff - "Recalculating route" and it really threw its toys out of the cot when I did not take the suggested route back to where it wanted me to go! I was certain that there was a better way, and I (being male!) was right!

Some women still believe that man does not know instinctively where to go! I am convinced that man has a built in GPRS, and that is why man NEVER needs to do something like ask for directions! I think that behind a steering wheel, possible sources of direction info, vanish - not that a man ever needs to ask anyone for directions! That must have been the first arguement that I had with Michele after we married! She was in the passenger seat with maps in her lap, telling me "Turn left here!" when I knew of a better route - even though I had never been there before!

Amazing thing was that, no matter where we went - ignoring the squalking from the passenger seat - we were NOT lost - EVER! We had been married for hours, and it was already apparent that my built in GPRS was working overtime!

If man does not have built in GPRS, how did Columbus find the USA, or the early explorers (Stanley, Livingstone etc) ever find their way in uncharted Darkest Africa? Stands to reason that something must be guiding males other than pretty pictures on a piece of paper!

GPRS is a great invention! It gives man reason to confirm that the way he is going, IS going to turn out the right way! Is this because Man holds the power of God? Women get to hold the maps. Gives them something to do whilst the men are earnestly engaged with driving the car! Is that why real men dont ask for directions? They really dont need to - ever! :-)

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