Random thoughts from my life and experiences, and where I reside
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mid term
The bath in the guest suite is easily the size of the average jacuzzi. Even the bathroom is huge!
Christine is in Mixit contact with the one grandson - Lehi (can you guess that this is a Mormon family?" I met him this morning, and the first thing I said to him was "I've got my eyes on you!" Christine was mortified and almost crawled under the table! That is what Dads are here to do! She phoned her Mom who agreed with her, but #3 was heard in the background to agree with me!
I have also been fighting with my GPRS cellphone. It has on occasion yesterday tried to send me down a road that was completely choked with traffic. When I refused to turn into this offramp, it tried to send me back there! If it had fists, I would have a black eye, but it turned out that I was right! Christine still does not believe that guys dont need maps to find out where to go, even though I proved it to her! A GPRS set is only for suggested correct directions, not the Bee all and End all of navcigation! Women dont trust our built in - God Given - GPRS sense of direction. THAT is why guys dont need to ask directions!
One benefit is that if I am enthusiastic on the loud pedal - all to easy when you are sitting above the general traffic eyeline - it does warn you "Observe the speed limit!'
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Coming weekend
I have not seen Christine since Easter, which if I remember correctly, was in March! I am still very disappointed that Christine has stayed with her ex step dad twice since I last saw her! I understand that Michele arranged that Christine avoid me whilst she was away, and it distresses me that her recent ex is seen as more worthy of Christines time than me - her biological father - deserves. So much for giving my consent for Christine to go overseas with Michele, when all I get for my trouble is a kick in the teeth - at least that is how I see things!
I have spoken to my headshrink about this, and she agrees that it seems kind of unfair. Still, I am so grateful that I am no longer married to WWoW (Wicked Witch of the West!) I know how I feel, and wonder how #2 feels - not that I actually care! Thank Heavens I was given the scriptural authority to institute divorce! A woman at the Branch is convinced that I am an outright unrepentant sinner, but she is not privy to the reasons for the Divorce - thank heavens!
Something to be grateful for is that the sun still shines! At the moment it is not yet very hot, and is actually somewhat cold at night! I a dead set against the cold, as I tend to suffer a bit from the cold! I believe that it is easier to get cool than it is to get warm. The cold seeps into my core, and once I am cold, I cannot get warm! To cool down in Zululand summer, all you need do is to turn on the aircon - or the fan - and the sea breezes are enough to cool me down. If that fails, there is always the swimming pool. I find that - even in the heat of February - there is a cooling sea breeze that blows into the Park.
I can no longer - since being stung by thousands of bees - able to have things like Coke (not that it was my favourite anyway!) or Ice Cream, by virtue of the fact that I am now diabetic! Since I gave up sugar, I have lost pant sizes from 40 down to 34 - in 4 months! I can still see that I could stand to lose a few more sizes, but I have slowed down tremendously in weight loss!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Surprise surprise
I asked the Branch President if it would be OK if they were stuck again, if they (4 persons for now, but probably 5 in the near future) have their own Sacrament meeting. He said that this was OK as long as he knows when this is to happen! I have a question if the decision is solely his, or if his counsellor (the most senior member on the farm) can authorise this? I know that if they need to hold sacrament on the farm, it will increase our branch attendance by at least 4 members! That must help in times when our attendance is fairly low!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Cold wet weekends
The Auxilliaries are kind of operating at a stretch!
The general attendance is down by 4 at least!
The EQ President is young - 24 - and is currently seriously dating a girl (woman?) from Hillcrest. He gives every impression that sooner rather than later, he will get married! I know that he, his father and brother actively farm, so their attendance is pretty well dependant on the weather! When his family cannot make it off the farm to get to Church, it seems that no-one is at Church. When Theunis gets married, that will mean that 5 people are stuck on the farm. I know that Kosi Bay twig was started with 3 members, and they are almost ready to be an independant branch! Looks kind of like there will be a need to have a twig/branch up near Vryheid! Then if it rains, they will not be stuck on the farm with no way to get to Church!
I did assure him that his sweetheart is safe from me! I am looking to marry a much older woman than that! I feel that Michele was from a different generation to me and as such her mindset was not my mindset! To go for a woman several generations younger would be suicide! Di and I have the same birth year, and she was born in the maternity home where both of my brothers were born. How is that for a great sign that we are from the same generation? I was born further north, in a town (Dorpie - smaller than a dorp, Afrikaans for town) between Salisbury (now Harare) and Kariba Dam. Sinoia (now Chinoiye) has 2 claims to fame - the limestone caves there, and ME! The last time I was in Sinoia (that is what it was called when we left Zimbabwe) it was a tiny settlement - a few houses, a shop and a hairdressers. When my Mom married, she was a hairdresser in Sinoia. My grandfather was a mechanic at Heinrichs Transport, a major industry in the north of Rhodesia, and their headquarters was in Sinoia. My Dad used to farm up closer to Kariba, and I was born in Sinoia. Then my Dad joined the army and was stationed mainly in Salisbury! Before I did my National Service, he was Paymaster at the RLI Barracks, opposite the High School that I attended. When I served my NS callup, it was at the RLI and I volunteered to join the pay office. The day I went there was he day Mugabe was elected and the bush war ended. I actually saw more action than the guys who went into the Commandoes - and I had fun!
It was great that I served at the barracks, but could live at home - literally 5 minutes from the back gate - IF you walked! The food in the troopies canteen was dreadful - at it's best - but fortunately it was not long before I was promoted from Trooper (Troopie) to Lance Corporal, That entitled me to eat at the Corporals Club. I am convinced that armies are run by the Corporals, so we were looked after. Then we were promoted to Full Corporals!
That is when a troopie who laughed at me for joining the Pay Office, was shaken to his roots. He came to the Pay Office, leaned against the door post and said to me "Catch me a casual!" (troopiespeak for "Give me a casual advance on my pay"). I freaked at his casual attitude and without thinking I said in a bone chilling voice "I am a Corporal and you will treat me as such!" The office - including the Paymaster (a Captain) was deathly quiet and the poor troopie sprang to attention, threw me a salute and begged my apology.
He was scared that I would put him on a charge for insolence, but his reactions were enough! In the army you only ever saluted a commissioned officer and I was only(?) an NCO (Non Commissioned Officer). They had to brace up if they spoke to us, but saluting was reserved for Lieutenants and senior! We even had Captains who treated us as almost godlike (we DID handle the most important thing to them - their pay!) and if you were on charge, you invariably had to spend time locked up, and then faced a fine for your misdemeanour.
The paymaster was impressed as I had stood up to my rank, and that was the reason we were given rank by him!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Technology continued
Thank heavens I also have an address! However, if I input the street adress, it works - or at least shows me the way to go. I could not find out how to input the co-ordinates that I was given, and I did find after I entered the address, that my set does not give exactly the same co-ordinates!
I have found that my GPRS has not steered me wrong before, so I hope that the difference is only measured in meters, not blocks away. I understand that the point that I am headed for is around 7 minutes from the Pinetown chapel - which I was married at! I know where that is! It is not very far from the Pavillion shopping mall. I dont go there, too often as Di and I like to go to the Cinema Nuveau in the nearby Gateway Centre!
I hope that I am not suddenly being directed to the wrong address! I have compared the co-ordinates that I was given, to the ones that my GPRS gives, and the difference is only in the seconds! How far that is, can only be meters!
I did find, just after I had first started using the set, that one night I was trying to get to an address in Johannesburg. Anyway, in my ignorance(?) I selected the wrong address, and the set was directing me to my home. It was dark (that is what happens at night- even if Africa - and it was a new area, so it was not immediately that I realised I was going the wrong way! It was only when familiar sights hove into view, that I realised I was going the wrong way!
I have found that when I input other addresses, that the set directed me to the correct spot!
I have found that if I am exceeding the speed limit, that it warns me! There is an option where I can get it to direct me around traffic problems, but I can cope without that! Where I live, 2 cars a day pass my home, and amazingly enough, both of these live in my garage!
It does warn me "Turn left here" and generally this is OK, although I have found that on occasion, I know better which way to go! It is hilarious when my GPRS has a thrombosis because I am not willing to "Turn here!" and it says - in a huff - "Recalculating route" and it really threw its toys out of the cot when I did not take the suggested route back to where it wanted me to go! I was certain that there was a better way, and I (being male!) was right!
Some women still believe that man does not know instinctively where to go! I am convinced that man has a built in GPRS, and that is why man NEVER needs to do something like ask for directions! I think that behind a steering wheel, possible sources of direction info, vanish - not that a man ever needs to ask anyone for directions! That must have been the first arguement that I had with Michele after we married! She was in the passenger seat with maps in her lap, telling me "Turn left here!" when I knew of a better route - even though I had never been there before!
Amazing thing was that, no matter where we went - ignoring the squalking from the passenger seat - we were NOT lost - EVER! We had been married for hours, and it was already apparent that my built in GPRS was working overtime!
If man does not have built in GPRS, how did Columbus find the USA, or the early explorers (Stanley, Livingstone etc) ever find their way in uncharted Darkest Africa? Stands to reason that something must be guiding males other than pretty pictures on a piece of paper!
GPRS is a great invention! It gives man reason to confirm that the way he is going, IS going to turn out the right way! Is this because Man holds the power of God? Women get to hold the maps. Gives them something to do whilst the men are earnestly engaged with driving the car! Is that why real men dont ask for directions? They really dont need to - ever! :-)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Half term
Apparently her Mom decided that whilst she was in Canada, Christine should have nothing to do with me, but a toyboy whom she divorced was good enough. That really creeps me out - but then, what am I? Just a man who happens to be the biological father! I know that one day, my ex will have to answer for her actions, but that can seem sometimes to be really far removed! I do know that Christine is sealed to me for Eternity, and think that her Mom thinks that she is sealed likewise! News is, who holds the Priesthood here? Not Mom! Still that is not exactly comforting, since I barely know her in mortality.
I have seen a Bone China dinner service in the Gateway mall, that I should have bought when I saw it! Now I get a chance to spoil myself when I am nearby! I also want to get a set of crystal glasses as a gift for when a friend gets married. He maintains he is not ready yet, but things are looking hopeful that he will tie the knot soon!
When I married Michele, we could not be sealed straight away, since I was unable to attend the Temple until I had been a member a year! I just knew from when we first met - in a bar at Mtubatuba of all placers! - that she was one of "the ones" - mother to my child! I was a member for a year when we were sealed in the Temple, and that weekend, I was nearly killed! I look at it that BC (Before Crash) I existed, but my life only really started AD (After Damage). If I had not been laid out by a truck, Michele would not have had such an easy excuse to divorce me - at least she threatened, demanded vocally and moved out! It was only after a year when I gave her what she said she wanted! Just before the hearing, she said that she did not actually want this, but I was kind of hurt by her infidelity, and since I was in control, I went through with the action! I think that she has yet to forgive me for giving her what she demanded - long and loud! I think she rather regrets throwing me away, but she does have her agency! This is not free, since she will have to bear the consequences of her choices! Dont get me wrong, I may not be the easiest to live with, but I do know that I am not guilty of mistreating her!
You hear of so many cases of spousal abuse, but the worst that I am guilty of, is not earning huge amounts, or giving her what she insisted on! I am grateful to her for giving me my daughter, and for showing me what sort of woman I dont want to be married to
Di amazed me the other day! I had downloaded the sound tracks of the recent General Conference, and she was enjoying the discs on the CD player in my Landrover. She seemed really inerested in the talks. When President Monson was talking of Senior Couples, I said that I would like to serve a Senior Couples Mission, and she said "We must talk about that!" I think she must realise that I can only do this when I am a "couple" again!
I was also intrigued when there was a talk on Pride in the Priesthood session! There is a member locally who is convinced that all pride is a sin! I wonder what President Uchtdorf of the First Presidency would say if he knew that a member of Richards Bay considers him a sinner for admitting pride in his children! I can see however that it does not cost him much sleep.
I am proud of Christine, but does that make me a sinner? If it does, President Uchtdorf will have great company in the afterlife - even if I do say so myself! I am proud of my 2 cars - not because they are better than anyone elses - but because they are - better - and not by just a little bit! There goes my wicked sense of humour again! They are better because I am priviledged to have them in my personal garage! I honestly dont care enough.
Friday, October 15, 2010
News to all out there is that Fruit Juice DOES taste way better from imported crystal glassware than it does from an ordinary tumbler glass - the cheapies from the local Spar store! Food tastes better off of Bone China than it does off of cheap earthernware plates! Besides, Bone China and Crystal Glassware takes a lot more of a beating than does the average cheapie glasses/plates etc! Spending R 15 on a quartz crystal beer glass that lasts, is more financially economical than buying cheap mass produced suff, that chips and cracks at the slightest excuse - like the wind outside is blowing too strongly!
True enough, plastic plates survive the best, but they are generally cheap and nasty stuff! Maybe I'm a snob, believing that juice tastes better out of Quartz Crystal than out of ordinary tumblers. At some stages of life, quality does pay!
I suppose that the same can be said of my cars! A 1984 Porsche runs far better than do most cars built in 1991 - if these are still on the road!
On Tuesday when Di and I were down in Durban, there were plenty of chances to laugh! At the end of the day, she was stressing a bit that to get home was rather more urgent! In a cafe, she had ordered a coffee for herself (she is not yet a Mormon, so it is not discouraged!)
The service was kind of unusually slow - for a Tuesday when they were not rushed off of their feet! Anyway she was looking around moaning at our waiter being so slow because we had to leave! She was moaning, and I was trying to attract her attention! The waiter was standing behind her, so close that he could have spilled her Skinny Latte on her! I nearly collapsed laughing! Anyway, he saw the funny side too - and so did she!
We had been to Cinema Nuveau, to see an art movie, where a chinese boy of around 8 was starting his training as a ballet dancer "Mao's Last Dance" (I think) This film started off where the talking was all subtitled, being in Mandarin! Anyway it was not too long before it was only flashbacks in Mandarin. The story was incredibly gripping, and it turned out that it is based on true life! Goes to show why the Chinese and Russians are so good! They start training early on, and are single minded at what they do! That makes me agog at how Native Africans can think that they can do well (Soccer World Cup) when they start training only at age 20! How can they beat athletes/artists who started training at age 8 - or even before, and know nothing else! For SA Soccer players, they start age 20, and by then, have the influences of the world to distract them - money, booze, girls etc! Then they think that they have the chance of winning things like the SWC, or even the Olympics! Sure, they may be good, but not like someone who has been 100% focussed on the sport from age 5 or so, and likely has known nothing else!
A change of thoughts!
If Man had started off his existance in Africa (Cradle of Humanity outside of Johannesburg) why were most nations clothed? It was only the darker races who went about with loin cloths, or nothing! The nations from the Americas and Europe are traditionally clothed, the further north, the more layers they wore! The native Africans, the Aborigine tribes etc, wore next to nothing! If we "evolved" from native Africa, why do we bother with clothes? I know that Adam was clothed after he ate of the fruit, and I dont think that this was necessarily to keep out the cold!
I am also highly amuzed at some statements made by the "learned men" of the world. I know that the current monster in the cupboard is "Global Warming!" There are theories out there, that all of the bodies circling the sun are cooling! The moon is tiny compared to the earth, so that is the reason it has cooled so fast, and why life there is unsustainable! If we are destined to cool to such an extent as to make life impossible, how does this compare to the idea that we have Global Warming! Either we are getting warmer, or we are getting cooler.
In any event, I think that someone is creating different viewpoints, to scare us! If we were once in an Ice Age, why did the globe warm up enough to melt the ice! Then we are warming up - until someone propounds a theory that we are cooling down! I think that this is mainly a "the grass is greener elsewhere" type of mentality - never satisfied with where you are! That reminds me of the Jedi Master - Yoda - in the Star Wars films! It would be in his character to tell men off, because their minds are on a better life - anywhere but here!
Another thought is, if the Ice Age melted, where is all of the melted ice now? Surely not in my pool? It cannot be in the seas, because that water there is salty, and ice does not contain salt! Why can Man not just be happy with the way things are? Why invest huge sums in spreading panic that life is not as it should be, but we can magically influence things to our benefit - or detriment! I am convinced that it is Satan trying to make us believe that:-
1. Man has become more powerful than our Creator!
2. We need to spend our time panicking - not praying to our Heavenly Father.
3. We can influence the end of the World! Whichever way it "ends" Satan is hedging his bets, so
that he can say "I told you so!" I truly think that the scolars of the World are also hedging
their bets. Either we are cooling down, or we are warming - or, here's a new thought, we
are not changeing! In any event Man is here to have Joy, not to worry himself silly about
Global Warming, Global Cooling or scientific proof that there is some sort of cosmic
conspiracy to make life impossible on our planet - or at least, better elsewhere
Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is the John Ross, just outside of Richards Bay, moving towards Empangeni. This road is currently being widened with 2 more lanes on the Mtuba side of the road, the right as you head towards Empangeni,
This project has needed to be done ever since I was baptised, now 19 years, and it looks like it will take another 5 years before they open the road to traffic!
What is frightening is that they have been hard at work on this for at least the last 10 years, and it is not yet any where near complete. I suppose that this has to do with the contract having been awarded to a Black Empowerment group.
What is amazing is that between the Esikhawini turnoff and pretty well Empangeni - at least 10 kilometers, they have been building up a bridge over the ex sugarcane fields! This is because they have had to sink piles into the seasand that most of Richards Bay is comprised of!
On the left are cane fields where they want to dredge the soil and flood it, creating a much larger harbour!
What amazes me is that Esikhawini started off as a staff housing estate for Alusaf Bayside smelter when that was first built - early to mid 1970's. If - and when - the fields are flooded, it will mean that the way to get to Esikhawini from Richards Bay, will be to drive nearly to Empangeni, then take the N2 freeway towards Durban, and turn off at the University of Zululand offramp!
As you drive past Esikhawini (Durban side of the John Ross Highway) you get to Port Durnford, then Mtunzini. What I have learned is that in 1879, Port Durnford was actually used as a port before they built a port at Richards Bay.
Something that I am battling to do is to convince members that they do trap - by speed camera - on the John Ross Highway between Empangeni and Richards Bay. With my luck, the once that I was doing 70 km/h down this road was the one time that I was bust for speeding! I was seriously convinced that the limit was 80 - hence I was crawling along at 70! Anyway, I had to cough up R 800 because I did not know the limit, and even at 70 in a 60 zone, I was the slowest vehicle on the road!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Reserve - again
I have to laugh every time a missionery refers to these animals as "Water Buffalo" because they are NOT! Water Buffalo live in Asia, not in Africa!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Conference attendance
Of the 2 investigators, the one bought himself some chips for lunch! Poor guy did not know that a member does not spend cash on a day reserved for the Lord! It did not help that one member picked him out about this - no name, no pack drill, but most of you will know who this was! It took some convincing of the investigator that he had not done anything wrong - he did not know better. I think that this - officious - member needs to heed the warning from the First Presidency, that it is not our place to judge anyone - especially non members! Thank heavens, this investigator still wants to be baptised next week, even though there are some members who think these investigators need to be torn off a strip!
I did not want to say anything, because about 2 weeks ago, I pointed out a late arriving member outside of the chapel who needed the Sacrament! This member was really upset that I pointed out this member and she complained to the Branch President!
I still am of the opinion that when Michele was seperated from me, she co-habited with this member, and started to insist on divorce! I just wonder how much this member influenced Michele into insisting on Divorce?
Still, maybe it was for the best, in that I have experience (albeit bitter) of Divorce! Maybe this experience is for my education for the future leadership of the local unit - knowlege that I would not have otherwise! I can honestly advise desperate members that almost anything is better than divorce, although this does not happen to include murder!
Tomorrow, I am on my way up to the Game Reserve! I am taking the "new" senior couple up with me, to show them some of what Zululand is all about! I should have some photos to attach to my blog!
Something that really amuzes me is to see what are basically mud type huts (Rondavels, or one room built in a circular design - hence the name) with DSTV Satellite dishes on the wall! Something else that amuzes me hugely is that you can see who is more affluent than they started out as - small homes that have been extended. They dont bother to tie the roof of the extension into the original roofline! They just add new bits to the roofline!
Friday, October 1, 2010
The first of another new month
Finally I can see some benefits! I am - for my sins (WHAT sins?) - the District Executive Secretary, and as such (on the local District Presidency), I get to be invited to attend the meeting presided over by Elder Jeoffrey R Holland when he visits the Hillcrest Stake in October. Even as the First Counsellor, or the senior District Council Member, I would not ordinarily qualify for this privilege. I have heard Elder Holland speak before, and it was a brilliant session. I respect that he is a brilliant speaker and I am looking forward to the meeting!
Because I have not been to the Hillcrest Chapel before, I will go down on the Friday evening and stay over in an hotel for the night - either the Road Lodge or the City Lodge in Durban - and drive up the N13 freeway to Hillcrest before the meeting! I understand that I need then to take the Hillcrest offramp, and the chapel is then easily found! If I cannot get a reservation (not that likely!) I will need to leave home at around 6am, and drive down. I do not particularly enjoy getting up so close to sunrise, but if I need to, I will do that!
When we had to go down to meetings at Stake Headquarters in Durban, Richards Bay always had the furthest to go, but every month, they were amongst the first to arrive there - without fail! Maybe it was something to do with the fact that if you were early, you parked straight outside the chapel, and if you were later, you had to park quite a walk from the chapel! Same thing in Sacrament meetings - those who live in spitting distance are ALWAYS the last to arrive! That seems to be the way the world works though!
Even so, it is preferrable to getting up that early every week just to get to Sacrament meeting. I know that the EQ President, his parents and brother get up early enough to leave home by 6am to get to Church every week - and I thought that I had far to go - at 55 kilometers to Church! It kind of amazed me in Mormon Central (Salt Lake City) there is a chapel on pretty well every street corner! Even then, no doubt, less active members use distance from the chapel as an excuse for not attending - or worse still doing their hometeaching - People dont seem to grasp when they are well off!
I used to think that in Priesthood hour on a Sunday, that the Elders Quorum Presidency was kind of unimaginative - anywhere in the world - in going on about hometeaching. I knew it was important, but only grasped how passionate the EQ Presidency feel about Hometeaching, once I was called to the EQ Presidency. Suddenly it concerns me when respected members admit shamefacedly that they have not done their visits! Last night one of the District Presidency stated that it was the last week to attend to their HT duties, and it was on the tip of my tongue to say "And have you done yours for this month?" but it was not the correct place to raise this sort of comment! I was there as a Council - and Presidency - member, not representing the EQ!
I know that there are members of the District who complain because there MUST be better things to do on a Sunday than to go to Church! However, they are the first in line for Church handouts when there are dark clouds on the horizon. Just goes to show how a change in viewpoints can change the way you see things! I do my duties (or try to!), even though the nearest I live to my "families" is 35 kilometers.
Typically, this view of "there are better things to do on a Sunday" is not exactly different to any other branch in the Church - worldwide - with the possible exception of places that need to hold Sacrament meeting on Friday or Saturday, for fear of offending those in power! I bet that even there, the most common uses for not doing their duties, is either "I forgot!" or "I ran out of time!" For goodness sake, a month is pretty well the same length every month, without fail - 28 - 31 days - and it has pretty well not changed since time began! No-one alive now, fits into the category of "It is a new thing - this 28 (30 or 31) days in a month, and I am still getting used to it!"
I want to encourage the EQ that they do their duties by the end of the second week in a month, and report back to us in week 3. Then we have week 4 to ensure that what we commit to, we actually do! I know that changeing the emphasis from week 4 to week2 will be a shock to their systems - in month one - but if we can recognise problems in week 3, we still have a week to correct things! I can only see that we MUST improve our results if we actively chase up the offenders who dont do their HT! I see that this has to be more effective than attempting to do your Hometeaching at the last minute - every month! Surely it makes no difference if "last minute" is in week 2 rather than week 4? Currently we only know of problems in the second week of the new month, and by then, it is way too late to do anything to correct things! If we - as the EQ Presidency - are more hands on, it must surely rub off on the "slackers!"
Sad thing is that when you interview the Elders, you know pretty well before they open their mouths, what excuses they will use to explain why they have not done their Hometeaching! Luckily, those who do theirs 100% regularly, are the ones who boost the monthly figures to 50% hometeaching! Strange thing is those with a longer list of families than most, are the ones who do their Hometeaching, 100% every month. Proves what is said "If you want something done, give it to a busy man!"