Thursday, June 14, 2012


I have recently been bugged that perfectly healthy - if fat and lazy - people park in the disabled bays at the shops - mainly because these bays are close to the entrances to the shops. I feel that I will have to write on the glass windows of those guilty most of abusing the privilege "Dear God, I desperately want to be disabled! Please help! Amen" Maybe then they will stop being so selfish! If they WERE disabled, they would be the first ones bleating that inconsiderate people park where they shouldn't!

Since my heel was operated on a week ago, it is impossible for me to walk unaided and crutches take a huge effort to use. Being disabled is no picnic and the sooner they realise this, the better!

Being actually disabled, I have a lot of time to ponder the world around me! Scares me what I see sometimes. At Sacrament meeting on the first sunday of a month, the members are able to bear their testimonies about their beliefs. I speak badly but it always amazes me that there are some out there who are barely audible - even with a microphone!

I often want to bash their heads in when they drag their feet! It drives me crazy that I have a valid excuse and try not to, but the shoe leather content of the carpet up to the pulpit increases dramatically every Fast and Testimony meeting!

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