Friday, June 29, 2012

Cracked cast

Am I in so much need of a headshrink that I not only have a cracked skull, but things like my cast are just falling to bits? I cannot wait (even though I HAVE to) for 19th when my cast is removed and I progress to the freedom of a moon boot! My cast is collapsing, and no amount of shoring it up will assist. I have been asked by the surgeon to drop by his rooms on Tuesday and he can redo my cast!

Sad thing is the thursday less than 2 weeks later, the cast will be changed for a moon boot! How a cast is expected to last for 6 weeks, is beyond me! My fibre cast did not survive being drowned in water for longer than 2 weeks, and the Plaster of Paris strengthening has started to disintegrate after a further 2 weeks. 4 weeks down and I am on to my 3rd cast! However, the moon boot looks really durable, and will last me  6 weeks, after it lasted the previous owner 6 weeks, and will still be fresh enough to give support for a futher many weeks!

Once the moon boot comes off, the choice is either -
Allow someone else to use it OR
Allow it to clog up the packing space (not that I have plenty of spare room as it is!)

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