Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lazy Days

Today is just like yesterday - a whole day in which I have not much planned. The furthest ahead that I can plan is a few hours. My foot is feeling better today as the sun is shining and the air is clean, albeit cold!

Me and Cold do not mix, moreso since my operation. I can feel inside my cast, that the scars where the surgeon cut are tender, and really complain about the cold! I look forward to when I can soak it in warm water and let that heat dispurse the ache.

I also have a phobia of cold weather. When the bones that were smashed in 1991 in the MVA accident get cold, they really complain - hugely! Why is it that surgery that should help, has unfortunte and unplanned side effects? These effects last far longer than do scars and I think that some will last for the rest of my mortal life! I am so grateful that I believe that we are not here by accident and that our souls have existed for long before mortality and will exist for Eternity.

This life is only a time for us to learn how to handle our mortal bodies and such emotions as love, joy and disappointment. That one I am hving a really hard time with! I am disappointed that I can no longer breathe well or do even a patch of what I used to! I do have a glimpse into what the Lord intended when he said "... Man is, so that he may have joy!" (Moses 1:39 in the Pearl of Great Price - ask your local LDS Missionaries!)

Life is a time to learn, and ever since I was disabled, I have wondered what I have to learn from the tragedy of my MVA accident and subsequent disability. What scares me is that if you dont learn, then you are going to repeat the lesson until you DO learn! That is how it works when you learn to walk for the first time! You fall (luckily not very far!), get up and try again until you achieve success!

I know that since my disability, I have learned compassion, although I do realise that I still have heaps to learn! That (I believe) is why I have gone from Elders Quorum First Counsellor in Richards Bay, to Branch Presidency First Counsellor in Port Durnford - where the members are genuinely needy, and I feel that - disabled as I may be - I can make (and am) a very real difference!

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