Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My GP has said he will communicate with the bone specialist and find out if - as he believes - in another 2 weeks he can remove my cast and fit me with a moon boot!

My cast recently collapsed after getting - accidentally - wet. I try to keep it dry but this proved to be impossible.

I will need to wear a supportive moon boot for at least 6 weeks. The benefit of my GP fitting me for one is, he has around 150 "pre - owned" moon boots in storage. I can use one of these, nstead of my medical aid forking out thousands on a new one for 6 weeks use. I can borrow one from him at no cost and when I am finished with it, just hand it back. What else do you do with them once you no longer need them, but pass them on to the GP for use by another! How green is that - Recycling moon boots?

Once I am allowed to wear a moon boot, I will no longer need my crutches! That WILL be a happy day as I loathe being reliant on anyone! I had a friend say to me that I am to be admired for my fortitude but I think that I am so stubborn that I dont like to be reliant on anyone else!

I have been advised that it is a sin not to want help from ANYONE and I acknowlege this but there HAS to be a point where you need to take control over what happend to you, for yourself! It jars when you can do very little for yourself, and I yearn for the time when I can be indepedant again. Sure there is nothing wrong with accepting help, graciously offered, but I do so enjoy the freedom that I usually have of something as simple as STANDING. I am maybe TOO independant.

Even though I am (unavoidably) disabled, I DO enjoy being able to do things without help. You have no idea how free you feel if you can live adequately, on your own!

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