Saturday, June 16, 2012


I have taken to referring to my cruthches as WoMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction. I also have a cast support where my Glass Fibre cast cracked. Personally I think it is a test to see how well I cope with the stresses of being SERIOUSLY inconvenienced.

To me it is no great shakes!
First (in my coma), I could not stand up, let alone get out of bed!
Then I could only move about with a wheelchair in front of me for support
Then I moved around really slowly, alwats scared I would fall. Even to this day, heights, slopes and stairs (downwards) terrify me!

I found out why this is though!
In your heel on both sides, are muscles that pull equally, keeping your foot aligned orrectly. In my left foot, the muscles along one side of my heel were pulling harder than the other side. My own foot was constantly pulling me off balance.

Hence the recent operation to my heel where this imbalance was corrected. They broke the heel bone and pinned it so that the muscles cannot pull me off balance! I now have 2 titanium pins in my foot!

The Orthopod reckons that, being titanium, they will not register on the security scans going into banks etc, but that makes no sense to me! If Titanium does not register, then why dont bank robbers use titanium weapons instead of steel ones? Then they can walk into banks with firearms undetected?

The cast that I had originally, was (I thought) Fibre Glass. Now it weighs a ton with Plaster of Paris around the heel and closing up the split. Watch out all you non disabled creeps who park in MY parking bay! I can threaten you with crutches, and if that does not work, I can kick even the most obese, into next week!

I was thinking, What if I try out for Bafana Bafana, what with my cast and titanium heel? I can kick the ball FAR (surely)! Just a thought! I cannot be worse than some who spend the matches running around keeping as far from the action as possible!

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