Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moon Boot

On Tuesday I was graduated from a fibre cast to support my foot, to a brand new moon boot! As with most things new - unlike children - it came with an instruction manual - AND two surgical socks. I have the choice of wearing the socks - woven tubes more like it - or can use the boot without them!

It is SO much more comfortable to have a moon boot rather than the cast - that was definitely failing in it's job of giving my heel adequate support,

The moon boot is made in Scandinavia somewhere and it turns out that the self-same firm has made the running blades for Olympian runner - Oscar Pistorius. Does that mean that I am in the running for 2 jobs:-

Assistant coach to Bafana Bafana (courtesy of the titanium implants into my heel)
The SA Olympic squad of 2016?

I am actually retired on ill health grounds - and kind of too old to be an olympian, but these possibilities ARE out there!

What shocked me was the cost of the moon boot - R 1 900 - and that is not even for a matching pair! Designer shoes from someone like Prada are less than that, and having bought one Prada, you get a matching shoe for the other foot - free! I recently replaced my Nike running shoes, and the pair set me back by R 1 100 - and I thought THAT was expensive!

My moon boot does allow me to move around for fairly short distances, without having to resort to crutches. Having been unable to walk around without crutches for the last month has nearly driven me mad! I definitely feel way more for those who are unable to move without crutches, and I am so grateful that I can move around without having to resort to a wheel chair! I was brought up to be independant and having to rely on anything drives me crazy - more crazy than on any average day! I understand that the problem was as a result of the muscles in my heel that keep me upright were pulling me off balance the whole time - and that is why I could not handle down slopes, stairs or even running! My feet used to BC (before crash) be able to carry me up to 42.2 kilometers - official marathon distance (I once ran the Ford Marathon in Durban) With luck now my foot will plant on road surfaces properly. Only, if I desire to go 42.2 kilometers (26 miles) now,  I can do so in the automatic, airconditioned, cruise controlled luxury of my Landrover Freelander!

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