Friday, December 30, 2011


Watching my DSTV, I am intrigued by people who have made a success of international road travel. In "the Long Way Down" (down Africa) and "the Long Way Round" (London to New York - via Russia) and "Trabant Trek" (in which 9 students started out driving from Hungary to Cambodia - in cars that I would not give house room - but some made it!) kind of makes me keen to try driving in my landrovers into stretches that are off the beaten track!

It stuns me that in Third World South Africa, we complain about terrible roads like that in Port Durnford - a string of huge potholes, strung together by a lacework of tarmac -when there are places like the Pamir Highway in Asia (no tar on a track through the mountains) or the Gobi Desert - no roads at all! - which make our road network look like super highways.

Goes to prove that you dont always know when you have it good!

I would love to travel into the wilds of the world - except that since nerly dying from bee venom, I am highly allergic to bee stings! Knowing my luck, I would be stung when I was plenty of hours from medical attention.

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