Friday, December 2, 2011


I know that the LDS Church are generally against tattoes, but in my case, my left upper arm carries an ugly scar from my accident. It would not be such a problem except that in the open air, the white skin of the scar first goes bright red, then fades the next day to a brilliant white!

I was inspired (I think) that a way to cover it up when I go swimming, was to have a tattoo covering it! I understand that in the afterlife, it takes time to remove tattoes, and that is part of why they are not encouraged by the Church, but I feel that it takes no less effort to remove a scar!

I know that plastic surgery is actively discouraged, but I voluntarily had the trachae scar on my throat covered up by plastic surgery! I did enquire if the surgeon could attend to the scar on my arm at the same time, but he was doubtful that plastic surgery could be effective!

I used to have a constant reminder every morning of the accident, in that when I shaved, I had to effectively shave around the hole in my throat. After I had the surgery, I KNOW that I feel better about myself and this confidence definitely improved my speech! Was it vanity? Probably! Was it necessary? For my self confidence, I believe it was. Do I need a tattoo? Practically, no, but again it will help to disguise a scar from my accident. When I see my scars I am reminded of the accident, just like the scar on my left leg reminds me of crashing my bike into a pile of garden cuttings, and getting a thorn deep in  my leg, or being hit by a brick thrown by my younger brother! I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!

If I were not supposed to have plastic surgery or a tattoo, then why would I have survived the accident to start with - or needed a trachae to keep me alive in my coma?

I know that some members would think that plastic surgery or tattoes are a sure sign of apostacy, but like everything else, we each carry our God Given right to choice! No-one can tell me that these are wrong! Sure it would be, if I were using them to look younger - or different - but every case has to be judged on its own merits!

As it is, my body carries scars from the accident that I dont like - as well as scars from childhood activities (a thorn in my leg - where I was hit by a brick - and where I suffered a severe graze from tree climbing! I am scarred, but that is as a part of growing up as an active child!

At age 51, I am sure grateful that I had an outdoor way of growing up, and it is not nice to look at how kids grow up now! Where we spent hours plaing in the bush, kids now spend time playing TV or Computer games! I would not change it for anything! I grew up enjoying the outdoors - the bush near our house, the Balancing Rocks not that far from home - and buying the Sailing Dingy(s) that I amd my 2 brothers bought - first was "Mike" (short for Microscopic - because it was he smallest dinghy on the lake!) - then our Goblin - much bigger and way faster!

My fingers are scarred - although this is not that noticeable and I have about 8 scars left from the wounds where I was stabbed and nearly died! If this is reason for Heavenly Father to deny me exaltation in the Afterlife, then so be it - although I am confident that He is way more forgiving than that immediate judgment!

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