Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Agency - right of choice

I was a bit stunned to find that I could excercise my agency freely and get a tattoo to cover a really ugly scar on my upper arm.

Some members of the LDS Church that I attend, say that they believe that Satan was denied being given the right and ability to influence our free choice, and effectively taking our agency from us - specifically MY agency to have a tattoo to cover a really ugly scar! Sure I hid the scar beneath shirt sleeves, but in Zululand, it gets really hot and humid in summer, and an inviting cool pool is really attractive. I often get the uncomfortable impression that when I am at the pool, I am an object where people are very inquisitive - and tend to look sideways at me - and often steer very clear of me, in case whart caused the scar, is catching!

My tarttoo is a way that I can live with my scar, just as the plastic surgery that I had done to my throat, is a way to make me feel much better about myself.

I know members who openly and vociferously voice their opinions that tattoos - and plastic surgery - are the work of the devil.

I have ammended my opinion of tarttoos - that I used to view as undesireable - although I never voiced against the idea - but I now see that the decision to tattoo yourself is an expression of agency. Just because someone happens to be tattooed, does not alter the fact that they may be "good people!"

Getting either plastic surgery or a tattoo is not necessarily evil, but often is to divert attention from scars. I dont know of anyone who purposely scars themselves! When next, disgust raised by some members, I will point out that we state that we believe that everyone has free agency, and it is WRONG - WRONG - WRONG to believe that any mortal can take agency from anyone else! That is kind of worshipping the wrong God - at least, is not the God whom I know is a loving God.

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