Friday, December 9, 2011

MY tattoo

I used to have (in reality, probably do still, beneath the tattoo) a really ugly scar after my accident. Sure it was hidden beneath the sleeve on my Temple Garment top, and the sleeve on some - but not all - of my casual shirts, but as soon as I dressed in my swinning trunks or went to bath or shower, it was definitely on very public display. In fact in the sun the scar went bright red (VERY noticeable!) whilst the skin around it went tanned. Within 8 hours, the scar tissue reverted to brilliant white surrounded by tanned skin. That made it far more visible. Like the trachae scar on my throat after I was kept alive in my coma by the trachae (hospital food is not great to start with, but liquidise it and it barely keeps you alive let alone put on any fat!) The scar was a prominent reminder every time I bathed that I was "different"! I dont need to speak much so the only thing that seperated me from "normal" people, was my scarring and the way I move! Sit down and I look normal (what really is "normal?") - probably a more accurate description is "invisible"! Now the scar on my shoulder has vanished and no-one questions tattoos. It is generations since where tattoo's are a remnant of prison sentences.

I know Branch Members (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - LDS or Mormons) who are openly and vociferously (violently) against tattoo's or - worse - the sins of having plastic urgery! I see that these are ways where I can feel more normal in life, and that to me is important - more important than the outspoken views of an aged member - who has the opinion that Jesus gives us agency (the right to choose) but she has the right to influence HOW you choose - as if she is more powerful than Heavenly Father. Boy is she in for a shock when she finds out that she cannot excercise MY agency!

A comment was made after my first (and only) tatoo, that now I have one, I will be back for more! I was not initially in favor of tattoo art, but I have been enlightened that it CAN be necessary - or even as an expression of agency. Everyone - irregardless of what the reason - has the absolute right to choose to act as they feel keeps them happy. Sure some people go way overboard, but that is them excercising their agency and no-one - not even Satan - has the right to take this from them!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely bluebird, Steve. Good for you for exercising your free agency and covering up the scar that was bugging you. I'm glad you got a nice tasteful bird instead of some of the tatoos that are possible.
