Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Life in the fast lane

I grew very tired of living in the "fast lane" as a project manager at an international computer firm. That was then sited in downtown Sandton with various subsidiaries widespread around Johannesburg. Since I was leading a team introducing a new computerised accounting system, I had to often visit these subsidiaries. It was only after I was retired on ill health pension that the firm acquired land in Rivonia and relocated everyone to a central point!

I was getting into the swing of the job, when I took a few days off (I had worked plenty of time beforehand - after hours!) That is when I and my then wife were sealed for Eternity in the Temple of the LDS Church in Parktown, Johannesburg!

We were sealed on a Friday, and went away to a lodge in Mpumulanga (that was then called Eastern Transvaal) for a second honeymoon. This lodge was very close to the Kruger Park. We were on our way to the park when 7 kilometers away, a bread delivery truck went out of control and smashed into my car that had suffered a smashed mag wheel. My car smashed into me - changeing the wheel - leaving me in a coma for 4 months, then in hospital as a full time patient fr another 5 or so months, and then as a daily outpatient for a number more months!

I survived, but I had suffered minor brain damage (to my motor skills, not my mental capacity) and that lead my employers to decide to offer me ill-health retirement. I get a pension for the rest of my lifre, and dont have to actually work for it! At work (BC - Before Crash) life was not easy, but hard work meant that they appreciated it enough to place me on ill-health pension.

I have a major hangup with traffic and where I live, if 2 cars a day go past:-
It is busy OR
Both cars live in my garage and I have driven them - not at the same time!

Yesterday, I bought 4 new tyres for "Ladybug" - ny Freelander - and driving it now, it really feels like driving a new vehicle. Amazing how much more stable it is on the road - not that it was unsafe before!

I have started a new employment opportunity for myself where I offer to drive visitors to the Game Reserve and do a private tour for them! I love the game reserve and driving visitors is a passion of mine, rather than work!

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