Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I invested in DSTV, a satellite TV service where I get to view a heap of different TV Channels.

A while back, I discovered a series where some students were on a "gap year" where they bought 3 Trabant cars in Hungary and set off across Europe, the Middle East, and across Russia to eventually arrive in Vietnam. I found the series around half way through - "Trabant Trek" - and it makes me realise that travel - even in aged plastic cars - is possible, even if not easy!

I feel that it is possible to drive from Cape Town to Cape Horn, up Africa, across Asia and then down the Americas to Cape Horn. Since I am disabled (run down by a HUGE truck) and deathly allergic to bee stings, I feel that - exciting as a trip like this would be - I am physically unable to undertake such a journey!

Sure as nuts, I would be stung by a bee in the outer reaches of Siberia and unless I am fairly close to medical attention, I WILL die! I feel that I was spared death for a reason - that I have not yet fulfilled - and that it would be kind of ungrateful if I were to place myself at risk.

Sure it is possible to cross vast distances in just about any vehicle, but "Long Way Down", "Long Way Round" and "Trabant Trek" have told me that long journeys are possible - even desireable - but in my case are extremely impracftical. If I drive to Johannesburg, I do so with my windows closed - then the airconditioner works - and there is no chance that a bee can fly in the window and sting me!

I also found that in the far reaches of Africa or even in Russia (Khazikstan?) the roads are really in poor condition, and I thought that the road into Port Durnford locally was in poor condition! By comparison to some (non-existant) roads, it is like a super smooth highway!

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