Monday, July 23, 2012


My GP has advised that now - if comfortable - I can move around with only 1 crutch - in my right arm! I have found that I can manage with only my moon boot for support, but am only confident to do this around the house.

Tomorrow I can move back to the freedom of my own home - where I have DSTV and am not beholden to anyone! There have been times where I have had ti bite my tongue because my Dad is so violently a racialist in his behavior! He rants at the TV about how bad the blacks are at everything - including speech,but he omits to accept thar a singer can - at her own agency - be called "Sharday" (Sade) instead of how he thinks it should be pronounced! He is like many old British - really set in his ways and dont you DARE to go against the way he thinks! Suddenly he is a fully qualified orthopaedic surgeon and has ben offering "helpful" advice on how I should treat my recovery!

That brings to mind how my ex behaved! When I was in a coma, she was THE BEST neurosurgeon, then when I was recovering, she was a fully trained psycologist - and physiotherapist, and going through divorce, she knew more about the law than did lawyers or judges. I freely admit though that when I was in my coma, she was the best wife I could have hoped for, but after she insisted on divorce, she fell from grace rather fast! I also think now that she is onto her third marriage, so has more life experience than I do! Whether this will be of any use when she passes through the vail is anyones guess!

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