Friday, August 10, 2012


It is hard enough to live life, without always trying to live up to expectations:-

I expect that I will be able to progress from my moon boot back to my Nike Trainers. I recently went from 2 crutches to one crutch and I can cope with my moon boot and 1 crutch! I have the ability to walk without my moon boot, but this is only in my house and I dare not go outside.

I have a spoilt daughter who expects me to maintain the car that she drives.

I have an ex wife who expects that I maintain the car registered in my name, even though I dont drive it!
She - and my daughter - dont expect to survive without access to others wealth!

On the Branch Presidency, I know that I am extremely blessed - I have cars registered in my name that I am unable to have the room in my garden to house them all! I have enough to feed myself in a manner that frankly embarrasses me when I can see that there are others who live in circumstances that I would not put up with. Does that make me a snob? Maybe, but I am grateful that I have enough to live extremely comfortably on.

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