Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I spent today running around Empangeni, seeing my headshrink and hitting the local supermarket shelves. I often buy things at Woolworths, which is seen to be an upmarket supermarket. I find that if I buy salads at Pick and Pay or Spar (slightly - a lot - downmarket from Woolies) I often get to throw more than half the salads away. If I buy at Woolies, I may pay a bit more for foodstuffs, but you get to eat everything instead of throwing away half of what you buy! I find that you pay slightly more, but rand for rand, what you buy ends up cheaper than the local Pick and Pay.

I have however found a store that is almost as good as Woolies. It is called Wyatts, and apart from anything else, they sell Snapple soft drinks. These are imported, so are more costly than local soft drinks, but I find that they are not sweetened - much! If you buy a Coke, the sugar content is pretty high. Just about the only use that I can see for Coke is to clean metals. If Coke can strip tarnish off of a metal object, what on earth does it do to your insides? I do suppose that it helps to clean your teeth, by stripping off the dirt. I also am convinced that the soft drinks, tend to damage the enamel of your teeth. As Christine has grown up, she has had many fillings. I grew up where I only had maybe 2 cokes a month. The upshot is that I have had one filling and recently, this filling fell out - after 35 years use - and the dentist had to perform a root canal! If it takes another 35 years to fall out, I will probably be past caring - as I will be nearly 85! I will probably be past worrying about what the ladies will say! Having been run down (literally) and surviving to be disabled, I kind of am past the funny looks that some people throw my way!

I often get really strange looks, and sometimes comments , when I park in the Disabled bsys at the shops. Maybe my owning a fancy 4x4 or a Porsche, gets some people riled up that I can park in these bays, and they have to walk! I always think that I get no other benefits from humanity, so if "they" choose to allow me to park there - close to the shop doors - then I will gratefully accept it! It is not as if I really am unable to park furher from the doors, but it is great, as I will NEVER lose my car. There is nothing worse than coming out of the movies, and you have "lost" your car in the thousands of others in the parking lot!

What I also kind of enjoy is that generally you can find an empty bay in the Disabled Bays, no matter how full the parking lot is. I also get miffed when I park in a parking lot and some twit has opened his door up against my car! Now I get to park in bays that are larger than average (I need the space with my monster 4x4) and are generally with a low wall around them, so other cars cannot come near my car! Maybe this is what other drivers are upset at! I have often stopped at car windows where they have parked in "my" bays, and said to them "Do you want to be disabled, because I CAN arrange it, but take it from me, disability is no picnic!" Generally it is fat Vaalies (holiday makers from the old Transvaal) park there because they are too lazy to walk 20 meters further to get to the liquor store! Really riles me when they try to argue with me!

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