Monday, June 28, 2010

A new week

Amazingly the weekends are way busier for me than are the weeks. This weekend, I was busy with sorting out the screening of the film "Fireproof".

After the film was finished being shown, we settled down to Boerewors Rolls. I really enjoyed the screening, although I spent the time the film was on, in doing the cooking! In recording the film from DSTV, I had watched it already!

Comments afterwards were extremely favourable and I think it will be a regular (every quarter) activity!

After we had eaten, I went back to the apartment that I was using, to draft a talk for Sacrament the next day. I really wanted to test my theory that since I was so badly stung, that I speak more clearly in the Bay. I have long felt that the bee venom in my system, affected my diaphram in such a way that I speak better in the Bay - where the air is usually foul with pollution.

I usually get to represent the District Presidency once every 3 or so months, and usually give a 20 minute final talk. I enjoy talking out at Port Durnford or Esikhawini, where the air is no where near as polluted as it is in the Bay. I gave a 5 minute talk, and really felt that I could continue for much longer!

I know this week, that I was heard - and understood - as the teachers for both the Sunday School and Priesthood sessions that followed, referred directly to points in my talk! I must say that since I was so heavily stung, I speak far more clearly, and these talks give me far better insight into the scriptures!

I feel that the frosty facade that the Branch President has shown me for decades, is thawing! I know that when he was on Mission, he had the idea he would complete his mission and then marry the woman whom I married, whilst he was on mission. I think that to start with, he resented me for this, but has accepted me now!

Maybe it is just a negative feeling of mine, but I find that generally my feelings are not that far from the truth. That scares me sometimes, but most times, I am grateful that I can sense the right from the wrong! My psycologist is kind of currently of the opinion that some of my feelings are completely screwy, but I think that the Holy Ghost is working overtime with me! I still have the opinion that my impressions come from a higher source and are definitely NOT my own work!

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