Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maybe I'm overcooked?

Thinking about things, I have a really hard time acceoting some of what I had forced down my throat as a teen. Belonging to the LDS Church (Mormons) I truly believe that I have a greater grasp on what is taught!


Is it true that Man is evolved from creatures that crawled out of the primeordial ooze? If we evolved, why have we stopped evolving, and who do we look similar to beings from places as far apart as Iceland and Equatorial Africa? The whole evoloution arguement does not exactly answer that!

Thinking about it, Sir Isaac Newton only put forward an idea of evoloution and the "learned" scholars latched on to this theory and suddenly it is taught as gospel truth. They go to incredible lengths to "prove" this theory, and kids who do not subscribe to this theory fail their exams!

Greenhouse Gasses and Global Warming

If we subsribe to this theory (and again, it is just that - a theory, not proven fact) how does that explain that the ice ages big freeze, has thawed. Were we guilty of millenia ago, causing global warming? Surely they did not use gasses that affected the ozone layer thousands or millions of years ago? I dont think that they had even considered creating cars that would "spew out gasses that ruin the Ozone atmosphere!" Call me cooked (Hundreds do!) but that is kind of putting man ahead of our creator! Are we more powerful than God to be able to be allowed to create "Global Warming"? Sure we abused some powers. Looking at the Amazing Race on TV, you see that in the less affluent areas of the globe, the national flowers are dead grocery packets. Not so long ago, that was our problem in SA, but since they started chargeing for plastic bags, the townships that were bad examples of where these bags were abandonned, are fairly clean now!

I think that it is someones idea of global scaring! Are they making money from fear? I cannot see a way, but then I am not a scaremonger. Maybe it is simplistic, but I see that our creator would not have created something that would destroy the world! So, we let off a few nuculear bombs (about 65 years ago) and even that could not knock the world off of it's axis!

Sure we need to conserve our planet, like we need to sweep our houses and wash ourselves, but when did Man get powerful enough to destroy the planet created for us? That elimintes the existance of a Supreme creator!

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