Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The noise of daily life

I am distinctly of the opinion that something - and it is not the Holy Ghost - that creates everyday noise! Where I live, there are 3 cars a day that pass my home, and 2 of them live in my gasrage - a Porsche and a Landrover. I really dont enjoy Johannesburg where at rush hour only 1 000 cars an hour pass your gate, and only then because of traffic snarl ups. I moved away from big cities for that exact reason.The noise of heavy traffic (more than 3 cars a day) curdles my blood!

I often drive to Durban where there are things like shops (I hate shopping, but sometimes, have to go out!) and cinema's. I really dislike having to be there at Christmas! There are way too many GP registered cars on the roads and sleeping in MY parking bays! I have even found that when I park in the Disabled Bays - even though I can legally park there - I get asked "Why are you parking here?" I thought that the stickers on the front AND back windows announced my right to park there!

I also receive really strange looks when I park there as if I am driving either my Porsche or my 4x4, and this is not expected of a disabled driver!

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