This is the long awaited snapshot of "Ladybug" - my Landrover Freelander - sitting in a parking bay (Disabled Bay) at the local mall in Empangeni. I can park in these bays - legally - so I do. I feel that parking in these bays - right near the entrances to the mall - my car (whichever one I am in) is fairly safe - from damage from neighboring cars, and from theft! (not that a Freelander - or a Discovery - is a target for theft!) Generally these bays are:-
Guarded (note the car guard in the photo) AND
Are bigger than the average bay!

I was amazed/amuzed by this advert on the wall in the local mall! Tell me, who in their right minds has a CUSTOM MADE outfit created, that does
not fit? I bet that no-one ever has walked in here and asked for an outfit that is"custom made" too small, or worse, will only fit you in the future IF you put on weight! I also bet that no-one has ever phoned in their - wrong - dress sizes and ordered an outfit, that does not fit! Still, that is me! I saw this sign and HAD to go to my car and get my camera out! If I did not photograph it, I bet no-one would believe that I had not made this up!
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