Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cold and wet?

Since the Big Crash of 1992 (when I was literally run down - by a truck) I have found winters to be particularly miserable - cold and wet! That is why I like Zululand. Winters last for a few days a year. "They" - whomever "they" are - are predicting a long cold winter this year. What? - a week of cold?

I watch the Temperatures on TV of the various areas of the country - and the world - and I think that I am where I should be. In the Cape, the winter maximums are way lower tha even minimum temperatures. I also watch the temperatures in Johannesburg and they too are lower than our coldest.

Sure summer gets kind of sticky hot with the humidity, but my feeling is that it is easier to get cool in summer (even if you have to go for a swim) than it is to get warm in winter. If I am cold, I tend to just retreat into myself, and not much is fun.

In Zululand we have a few days of winter - 2 or 3 days of cold weather when it snows in Nkandla or Babanango. "They" - whomever that is! - have predicted a cold winter this year! What does that mean - a week of cold?

Since I was run over and my muscles damaged, I find the cold weather unpleasant where my muscles freeze and I can hardly move! I find it is easier to get cool (swim?) than it is to get warm. Luckily Zululand is warm (really warm!) in summer, but the heat does not last for ever, but the cold seems to get into the cracks - the ones that Old Age generates. I am a whole half century old, not bad considering that I nearly died when I was:-

Run over by the truck
Wrote off 2 cars (long sad story)
I was stabbed - AND
I (narrowly) survived being stung by a swarm of bees!

I have realised that there is a point to my existance (mortality) - or why would I still be here?

There is definitely a reason to live, and that may just be so that I can bug some people! I have definite inspirations as to why I am still alive. There MUST be a point to existance. Maybe it was to own a Porsche - or a Discovery - or a Freelander - or a Clio? All at the same time?

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