Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another cold day in Paradise

I am not the happiest person in Zululand! The sun is shining in a clear blue sky, but it is still cold out there! The sun does not have the power - yet - to get really warm like it does in Februay! I have an opinion on wht that is! Since Zululand is well south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the days in summer are long - the sun gets up at around 4am in the morning - and only sets well into the evening! It shines for a really long time, and because we are not that far from it's southern arc in summer, it gets warm here. The temperatures further inland (Johannesburg for example) are the same - around 33 degrees celsius - but at the coast the onshore winds - that bring loads of water - also make it really humid here. High temperatures - plus - high humidity, equals Zululand!

In mid winter (about a month off!) the sun is overhead the Tropic of Cancer, so the sunlight hours are shorter and no where near as intense!

Anyway, that is my THEORY and I am sticking to it! If Global Warming is a fact (that I do not hold with) then why is it so cold outside?

I am stunned that Man can think he is so powerful (even in his ignorance) as to destroy Heavenly Fathers creation, that is stunningly beautiful. It was not just created for those alive now, but it is supremely arrogant to think that we have the power to destroy the planet! Sure we need to be more caring about our environment, but that is for our benefit! Why else do parents constantly harp at teenagers to "clean up their bedrooms!" - for the benefit of the teens, or for the benefit of the adults?

I cannot believe what a difference charging a really small amount for plastic bags at the grocery stores has cleaned up our environment in SA! It used to be a case of plastic bags being the national flower of the country, but since a small charge was levied, these "flowers" have vanished.

Seeing programs on the slums of India or even South America, I am amazed at how dirty the countryside looks with plastic bags everywhere. Often walking on the beach I saw debris washed up where sailors on ships between Richards Bay and probably Durban, used to throw their rubbish overboard. It must be years since I saw plastic bags washed up on the shore, even though I can see the boats waiting to enter the harbour at Richards Bay! I do not believe that this is because of the Theory of Global Warming (just that - theory, NOT fact). If we were globally warming, explain the lack of heating to the destitute living on the streets of Johannesburg.

How can the politicians scream "Global Warming" from the rooftops, then every year, cry for donations of blankets. When I buy a blanket, it lasts me at least 2 decades, but the downtrodden require new blankets EVERY YEAR! What do they do with them? They dont have closits to lose them in - or they would not be on the streets! Somewhere in the world, there must be mountains of unwanted blankets. Maybe that is the answer to "Global Warming" - we are drowning in discarded blankets!

My parets have blankets that my Dad was issued when he signed up in the army - in around 1961. If a blanket can last him 50 years, why do the needy, need new blankets every year! What disgusts me most is that if you try to pass down your old blankets, they kind of look down on them. Why accept a second hand blanket if you can cry on TV and get a new one? Maybe blankets from when I was born were well made and modern stuff wears out in one winter! The government should be more concerned about the deteriorating manufacturing standards than in a myth of global warming!

I understand that the "experts" have predicted that this will be a long cold winter in Zululand! How can they live with the fact that they are hippocrites - crying "Global Warming" in one breath, then saying we are in for our coldest winter for a long time! The 2 concepts simply do not gel together! It is either cold or it is hot, not the 2 at the same time - make up your minds!

Maybe someone can explain why Electricity is seen to be a "green" energy! Have you seen the areas around power stations! The vegeation is destroyed. No wonder the power stations are well outside of city limits! Sure using electricity is cleaner than using petrol in cars, but producing it is so damageing - talk of Carbon Footprints - more like Carbon slums! Look even at how building hydro electric dams damages the environments! Sure there is no carbon footprint created when the power is used, but the dams are hugely changeing to the local environment! When the authorities have to open up the flood sluices, the populations downstream are literally washed away! If you are up to your ears in flood water, you dont care that it came from a Green Energy Source!

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