Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I can hardly believe the buzz of excitement in SA at present. Today is a day where cthe public gets to excercise the privilege of voting! The country is going to the polls, to elect the municipalities for the next 5 years.

At least what they vote for is free and fair - unlike some countries where they are kind of free to elect from an impressive list of one candidate! That is hardly fair, even if it is "free!"

I can hardly understand why there is such hype at being elected, unless it is a free ride to super wealth! If there is anyone bust for corruption, it is the elected politicions! No wonder inflation gets out of control. General theft - on a super large scale - is rife and is basically a cost of living! You only need be on the roads when a politician sweeps by - one guy in a calvacade of at least 5 speeding vehicles! The speed limit is generally 120 km/h, but that is seen by most - especially the black official vehicles - as a bare minimum speed.

When I am out in my Landrovers - or any car that I am driving, I generally do not exceed the speed limit, and without exception, I am by far the slowest vehicle on the road! Drives me nuts when the moment I go general traffic speed, I get busted by a camera, and fined! With the current demerit system (points against your license for traffic violations) there must be a huge increase in the unlicensed driver population.

Having survived a road accident where I nearly lost the ability to move, let alone walk, I am all for obeying traffic restrictions, and it horrifies me that so many choose to live outside of the law! There is a reason that there are traffic speed limits, and most drivers seem to view the posted limits as a bare minimum suggestion. It is most true that you only realise what you are blessed with when you either lose or almost lose it! Before my accident, I thought nothing about running a marathon, but now find easy movement not easy and I miss that!

At Church every month we have a meeting where the congregation is free to voice their beliefs as to the Gospel, and I often want to scream out what I was brought up with - "Speak properly!" I am convinced that I was guilty of not appreciating what I was blessed with - free speach - and to show me the incredible blessing free speech is, I almost lost the ability to speak! I know how important it is to speak clearly, and it saddens me to see people who CAN speak up, but they bemoan their plight! I want to shout at them "Wake up!" but I cannot shout anymore - maybe it is a blessing - for them! Even the most downtrodden does not realise how well off he/she actually is! True they dont get handed brand new cars and High Definition Televisions, but they are able to move without restriction. They dont realise when they are well off! A saying that strikes me as really true is "Use it or lose it!"

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