Friday, November 25, 2011

Where is the heat?

Late November and we are having an unseasonal period of cold weather. Usually it is steaming hot and very humid. The "experts" claim that this is because of the Pacific Ocean is cooling down. How then can they claim Global Warming in the same breath. Makes no sense that if we are globally warming, how is the weather in Africa affected by an ocean the other side of the globe COOLING?

I believe that "they" dont know which to actually believe in, so are covering their rears, claiming we are warming on one hand and cooling on the other. Meet them in the middle and we have no effect from driving V8 Automatic Landrovers!

This morning the local branch of the LDS Church held a branch braai with a difference - breakfast on the beach at Richards Bay! For a week we have had LOTS of rain, but today it was cloudy in Durban, but briliant clear blue sky in Richards Bay. It was predicted last week that we could expect 20 people to attend, but in the end there were between 45 and 50 people there!

You have no idea how delicious Bacon, Egg and Boerewors (translation - "Farmers Sausage" - steak instead of pork!) cooked on an open fire with a view of the ships wanting to enter the harbour, actually is! Truly magical!

It was a reasonable exchange for getting up at 5:30, to get the 55 kilometers to the beach - at Alkantstrand - "strand" = beach, and "Alkant" = "on every side" This is because to the east is the Indian Ocean and to the west is the harbour at Richards Bay - therefore "beach on every side!"

From the picnic site, you are right on the beach with clear views of the ships waiting to enter the harbour. What is amazing is that the pilots to assist getting the ships into the harbour, used to be taken out to the ships by Rubber Ducks (inflateable boats) but are now taken out by helicopter.

Being from the coastal area, most members were astounded. Being so close to the beach, we never go down there - kind of like spoilt for choice. I remember coming down from Salisbury and spending most of the day on the beach, much as most "Vaalies" (Johannesburg is in what used to be called Transvaal) do now. Living so close we never go to the actual beach - the sand gets EVERYWHERE. If you need to get cool, go for a refreshing swim where you are not caked with salt! The breakfast was really worth planning, and a really good way to promote branch unity.

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