Thursday, September 1, 2011

Additional thoughts

A year ago when I started to wear my Medic Alert Bracelet, it was kind of tight fitting. If I had the choice, I would hae chosen a slightly longer chain. After I was so heavily stung, I have lost a lot of weight, so it is now quite loose on my arm. Behind the bracelet is my watch strap, that a month ago was fairly tight. In a month it is loose enough for me to consider having links taken out. Yesterday a friend commented that I was looking far trimmer than I have looked recently - even given my weight loss. I am still in the process of losing bulk - and I assume weight also. I dont weigh myself, but I feel that I have lost somewhere between 50 and 65 kilograms since I was diagnosed as diabetic! I regularly check my blood sugar level and the reading ranges between 4.3 whatevers to 7.4. Normal is 5.2 and when I was stung, it sat at around 15 or 16 for days!

It peeved me off when a fellow member of my church commented "You are getting fat!" In whose world is losing weight and inches. considered getting "fat"?

Anyway, if fitting into clothes that I grew out of a decade ago. "getting fat" then I welcome it! If this member - who drives me NUTS - feels that losing significant weight is getting fat, then she needs her head read! She certainly is not permitted to comment to me!

My Temple Garments are in the wash and I am comfortably wearing garments that I bought 20 years ago when I took out my Endowments in the LDS Temple - the same weekend that I was run over! Amazes me that they fit me again, after I had resigned myself to being unable to excercise! If I excercise, my muscles cramp up and dont release properly. That is technically spastic where they dont respond to brain stimuli. So much for school kids telling me "Dont be so spastic!" and not realising what they are saying!

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