Friday, August 26, 2011

How to construct a braai?

The basis of the Great Braai of Zululand has been constructed, up to 4 layers of concrete blocks - that as a Quorum (group at Church) we cast the blocks, dug a foundation and built foundations the first week. Then we got together and piled about half of the blocks into formation, then the following week we took turns in cementing in more blocks.

We were concerned that the Physical Facilities guy would see what we had done, and tell us to tear it down. However he has seen the structure and approves of it in 2 respects:-

It will serve the Zululand District - and the Richards Bay Branch - when we have get togethers and communally braai meat (braai is where the raw meat is cooked over an open fire!) This is a southern african tradition - maybe a bit masochistic in that the males are usually in charge of burning the meat!

It apparently is such a structure that the Physical Facilities guy has recommended that we tile it to match in with the chapel. This is so much better than being told to tear it down.

I know that the Word of Wisdom says something to the effect of "eat but a little meat" but the opportunity of creating quorum unity in building a braai was taken up. What we built will outlast the chapel! It WILL create an opportunity to hold Branch and District get-togethers. I think that it will give the opportunity for us to combine braaiing with film evenings - for inexpensive entertainment and for church member unity.

We are holding a District get-together soon where we will christen the braai. Tomorrow we are getting together again and will cast the base for the actual fires and cast another 30 blocks to finish off the braai. These will take at least 2 weeks to cure!

Once it is more complete, I will be photographing it and will include it in my blog.

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