Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School holidays

Christine is writing her Matric Trial exams! Her 18th birthday was on Saturday and her mom treated her to a day in a Spa in the Midlands. Then she got permission to have Christine not at school for Monday or Tuesday as Christine had no scheduled exams on these days, so she took Christine back to Johannesburg.

Anyway things went wrong and Christine was admitted to hospital on Sunday with expected appendicitis. When she was 4 or 5, she spent time in a local hospital with suspected appendicitis. Her return to school by Tuesday has been expanded to late Thursday. I can only imagine the fallout if I had taken Christine for a day and a half, and only returned her some 5 days afterwards. Still if she was to be ill enough to be hospitalised, I am glad that she was at least with her Mom.

Strikes me as crazy that the surgeon refused to operate and remove the appendix. When I was at school - just after the Ark beached on Mount Arrarat - it feels like a whole lifetime ago! - a surgeon would have thought nothing about removing the offending appendix. I still have mine, but I am positive that I would have survived without it if they had removed it! I lost my tonsils when I was 5 or so, and have not missed them since!

Anyway, Christine starts her holidays on 21st September and I have been commanded (SWAMBO) to take my V8 Landy - and trailer - up to school to collect the luggage that Christine will not use next term. It is phenominal that in a year she has enough crap to fill a Landrover - and a trailer - and still have stuff in her Dorm at school. Boy is she fortunate that I changed from a 1.4 litre 4 cylinder Opel Corsa, to a V8 Landrover.

When I went to Cape Town for 2 weeks, I took one suitcase - small enough to be cabin luggage, but she needs 3 cases just for a weekend! Maybe I take what I need rather than what would be convenient! I just wonder why a woman needs so much stuff - and still goes shopping for more stuff! Thank Heavens for pieces of gold painted plastic (credit cards!)

She has booked her driving test on 13th. Hopefully she will pass (she drives very confidently!) and I can have my V8 back - permanently!

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