Friday, August 5, 2011


How come the search for history's ancient secrets, ALWAYS involves digging - sometimes (most times) for meters into the dirt? What the "experts" seem to overlook is, if ancient civilisation is buried under tons of deposits from somewhere, where did the dust (soil and rocks and stuff!) come from?

New "theory" is that the Sahara used to - 4 000 years ago - be lush verdant savannah, and that dust storms blew dust in, that covered the grass - and wood -land. What they dont say is where this soil came from to start with? A legendary island called Atlantis? That is tantamount to a fairy tale - and they say that they dont believe in fantasy?

The general theory is that this was a result of climate change - caused by Global Warming! If Man has survived GW over the last 4 millenia, why is the theory that modern man - with his V8 Landrover Petrol driven - responsible for Global Warming? I understood that the Pharoes used horse drawn chariots, not V8 petrol powered machines! No-where have they dug meters down and found skeletons of ancient motor vehicles?

I think that - like a woman at my branch of the LDS (Mormon) Church - they like the sound of their own voices, and when they open their mouths, garbage spews out! Maybe this is where the layers of mud came from? Layers of verbal garbage?

At present, Zululand is C-O-L-D which - if you know Zululand - is not usual. Last year we had no winter, and I only remember wearing a suit jacket to our weekly meetings. I do remember owning a jersey, but where it is, is a mystery! Do I need to excavate in the driveway for evidence of previous civilisations in my garden, to find my "lost jersey" - and if I find it, can I conclude that 4 000 years ago, Zululand was a wintery wasteland? In the last 30 years, I do not recall really cold weather for longer than 2 or 3 days! Surely if my V8 Landrover is responsible for Global Warming - even localised GW - why are we colder this year than we have been in the last 30 years?

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