Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I am definitely not a friend of pain, and my left foot has been literally been excruciatingly sore. I know pain is reative, but if I have pain, I am the literal bear with a sore head!

I know (believe with the very marrow of my bones) that I have to endure my accident injuries whilst alive, and that this is best done with a smile! Since my MVA accident I have learned to discern between polite smiles by whoever is listening to you, but I can tell when people only have a smile to improve their makeup do, and feel nothing - if not loathing - beneath the veneer of skin!

My ex smiles, but I genuinely feel that she is only putting on a happy face! You can see when a smile comes from deep within! The person kind of glows! I far prefer people who glow (and not as "Men at Work from Australia say - kind of perspire like a pig!) with genuine feelings than people who carefully portray a smile that is only skin deep.

My painful foot:-
I know this is becaus of 2 things - 1. The cold weather (seems to freeze my bones and as the sun crosses the range of hills just inland, the temperature plummets and 2. My MVA left my muscles techincally spastic! (they dont respond correctly to brain stimuli!)

I was recently engaged in a service project at our Chapel building a braai - where we light fires and cook raw meat for a crowd. This was my idea thank you very much, as a member bent my ear on how the fires from a small braai that we made, was burning "her" grass! To keep her happy and to do 2 other things:-
Build Quorum Unity by the males congregating and building a braai
Build Branch (and it turns out District) unity by having communal braais
I resolved to suggest that we build a braai! I envisaged one or maybe 2 sections for fire, maybe 2 meters wide, but the one we are busy with now is on a far granger scale - maybe 10 meters of divisions where we can cook the meat - including a sheep or pig on the spit! I swear that the next time Google Maps updates the photograps of Richards Bay, it will be clearly visible, if it is not already visible from space, much like the Great Wall of China is!

Anyway, without realising it, I had strained the tendon in my foot and all of the muscles that run off this (to your ankle and toes) was cramped up and would not release. I have been told that there is an injection of Cortizone that will (Most likely!) work, but the GP was not happy to go ahead with this as a first resport as apparently the injections are really painful. The way I see it, can he not give a local anaesthetic so that it is not so sore! Even if it is sore for hours, it is better than weeks of discomfort! My foot is so much better than it was 2 weeks ago, but really, enough is enough! If it is not right now, do something!

Sure it will affect the foot that I depress the clutch to change gears, but as 2 of my fleet of 4 cars, have Automatic gearboxes, it really does not matter!

My daughter had pain in her foot (coincidence?) and the doctor there went straight for the "fast fix" - mine is more conservative and if anything, this makes him a better doctor - at least in my book! I did explain to Christine that muscular pain CANNOT be hereditary, especially as mine is from the brain damage that I endured when I flew - after being struck by a load of bread!
She seemed unconvinced! If anything my awkward way of walking (comes from brain damage AND structural damage to my pelvis!) aggravates any trouble that I have with my feet! Cold weather does not help and apart from making my muscles stiff, makes they tight where they were damaged - which as far as I can tell, was pretty well all over! I was hit (by my own sports car) from the left (I must have turned just as the truck ploughed into my dream car) so I battle with brain control over the right of my body! Thank Heavens I can - and do - survive, happily most of the time. When the swarm of bees attacked me, I could not run for shelter, because I CANNOT run. Still 4 days in the Intensive Care unit at the hospital fixed that - and I have now lost HUGE weight - and am still losing weight! When I bought my watch a month ago, the strap was fairly tight, but now is very loose! How can this be a motivation for my nemesis at Church telling me that I am getting fat!

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